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Buddhism -

a religion, originated in India by Buddha (Gautama) and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia, holding that life is full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end this suffering is through enlightenment that enables one to halt the endless sequence of births and deaths to which one is otherwise subject.

Hinduism -

the common religion of India, based upon the religion of the original Aryan settlers as expounded and evolved in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad-Gita, etc., having an extremely diversified character with many schools of philosophy and theology, many popular cults, and a large pantheon symbolizing the many attributes of a single god. Buddhism and Jainism are outside the Hindu tradition but are regarded as related religions.

Hinduism is not based solely on the religion of Aryans and the Vedas. Actually that forms a small part of Hinduism. Hinduism was practiced in India even before the arrival of Aryans. It was a mix of aboriginal and dravidian beliefs. That is why none of the Gods and Goddesses that hindus worship today are mentioned in the Vedas (Shiva, Durga, Rama, Krishna, Ganesha, Kartikeya, Hanuman, etc.)

Considered minutely, there is no difference between Hinduism and Buddhism, except for the rejection of Vedas, Gods and Goddesses (though Buddhism has its own), and rituals. The philosophy of Buddhism takes off only from Hinduism. But Buddhism is not the only one or the first to do so. Jainism, the extinct Charvak philosophy, also say the same. Jainism, Buddhism, and in the later times Sikhism were not established as different religions. Those who established them wanted a return to good old (non-Aryan) ways.

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11y ago

Buddhism is both a way of life and a philosophy - some would call Buddhism a religion, others not. If the Buddha could be proved to have not existed, then there are Buddhists who say that the philosophy, the way, (calledthe middle way) would continue. Hinduism, for example, considers Buddhism a religion and Buddha is one of the avatars of Hinduism.

Buddhism differs from Hinduism both by practice and philosophy; the four noble truths point right mindededness and practice, the goal of which is extinction or cessation of the round of birth-rebirth. Buddhism does not need God nor any other Gods, although there are schools of Buddhism that have Gods. Hinduism, on the other hand, has multiple Gods, and finally, the goal is non-dualism,jivan-mukti, realising you and God are no different. Theravada Buddhism believes that the Buddha is a teacher. Mahayana Buddhism believes that the Buddha is a god.

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buddha was a Hindu by birth, his teachings are made of 4 ultimate truth. It revolves around getting Nirvana (Liberation) , while in Hinduism living your life well is also a main goal.

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Q: How do Buddha teachings differ from Hindu teachings?
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What Hindu ideas did Buddha's teachings embrace?

the basic teaching of Buddha was four truths. They all were based on Hindu ideology.

What do Hinduism and Buddha have in common?

Hinduism and the Buddha's teachings have many things in common, as the Buddha lived in a Hindu culture. One of the most prominent examples is a belief in kamma/karma and reincarnation.

Is root religion of Buddhism is Hinduism?

That is how I see it too since Gautama Buddha was a Hindu prince. The teachings in Buddhism is parallel to the Hinduism.

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That can be credited to what Buddha said about life. His philosophy is more reasonable than many others that is why people accept it. Buddha was born a Hindu but his followers created a new religion based on his teachings.

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Buddha was a Hindu in the same way as Christ was a Jew As a result of his knowledge and teachings a new order of thought was created.

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Buddha`s teachings are more important than Buddha himself. Buddha`s teachings are known as Dhamma. Buddha has not appointed any successor after him. At the time of Mahaparinirvana he told to his personal attending desciple Ananda to fallow his teachings after his death.

Sentences with a Buddha?

He strictly followed the teachings of Buddha.

What beliefs did Buddhism borrow from Hinduism?

Buddhism does not borrow any belief from any other religion. Buddhism is the teachings of the Buddha, who possessed the golden omniscience, which refers to 'the ability of knowing everything without the help of anyone or anything'. That is, everything the Buddha preached is independent of any other belief and besides, the Buddha's teachings are not beliefs, they are universal truths (the four noble truths, etc.) which were practically found by the Buddha himself.

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Buddhism differed from Hindu teachings in:a dispensing of the caste systema reworking of Karma to indicate a human input to improvementthe absence of creator gods and divine influences

Why does Hinduism and Buddhism believe in the budda being significant?

For Buddhists, it's because the Buddha discovered why people suffer and the end of suffering and brought us his teachings (the Dharma). Hindu''s also reconginze the Buddhas teachings and believe that he is the 9th avatar of Vishnu, the Hindu name for God.

What are the teachings of Buddha?


Who is Hinduism based on?

The writings of Buddhism are based on the teachings of the Buddha. Buddhas's teachings are not based on a previously existing set of writings. This is different from Christianity where the teachings are based in part on, and with refernece to, previous Jewish documents. Answer: Much of Buddhist thought comes from Hindu which comes from Brahmanism. The Hindu "sacred texts" (documents) are known as "Vedas." There are four primary Vedas. The Buddhist "sacred texts" (documents) depend upon which flavor of Buddhism is in view. There is the "Tripitaka," several different "Sutras," the "Gosho" and several others.