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1d ago

The correct word for "not straight" is "crooked" or "bent."

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Q: Correct word of the word not straight?
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What is a Greek root word that means straight or correct?

the word is erect which you use for straight up or co-rect

How to spell straihgt?

Straight is the correct spelling of this word.Some sentences with the word are:This ruler isn't very straightGo straight ahead for a mile.The wine went straight to her head.

What Greek root words contain the meaning straight or correct?

Orthopedist is a word that contains a Greek root that means "straight or correct."

What is another spelling for straight?

The word strait sounds like the word straight, but they are different words and definitely not interchangeable.

What does Greek word ortho means in English?

Orthodoxos in Greek means "having a straight, hence a true, opinion." In religion, the word "orthodox' means "having the correct faith or worship." 'Ortho' means straight or correct, and 'dox' (doxa) means glory or worship.

What does the root word rect mean?

Rectify is derived from the Latin "rectus", meaning "straight". Hence rectify means "to straighten" or by extension "to correct" or "to make right".

Do two planes intercect in a straight line all the time?

Yes. Except that the correct word is intersect.

How do you spell straight-on?

The adjective straight means uncurved, unbent, or direct.The sound-alike word is the noun strait (a water channel).

When is the word gay correct?

It is correct when used to refer to a gay person. It is incorrect when used to refer to a straight person in order to insult them. It is also incorrect to use it as a synonym for stupid.

How do you spell evening?

That is the correct spelling of evening (late in the day, night).

What is the Kikuyu word for the English word straight?

nyoroka is the Kikuyu word for the English word straight.

How do you spell directly?

The word "straight", meaning not bent, is spelt as you have in the question.Ensure that you mean this usage, and not the sense of "narrow waterway", which would be spelt strait (e.g. Strait of Magellan).