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yes..theres a strong possibility u have to take it before intercourse

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Q: Could I be pregnant if I missed a birth control pill the day before intercourse the condom broke during intercourse but I took 4 birth control pills right after intercourse?
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How can you have intercourse without becoming pregnant?

condom and birth control.......... but just to be safe pull out b4....... well you know

If on birth control for a week can you get pregnAnt?

yes you can get pregnant you doctor should of told you but the first 4 weeks of being on birth control u should use a condom for intercourse

Does a girl gets pregnant if she has an intercourse at the first day of her period with a condom?

yes you can get pregnant if you have sex before or at the begining of your period you can get pregnant at anytime. with a condom you have a better chance of protection against pregnancy and diseases but it doesnt mean you wont get pregnant. theres always a chance you can get pregnant with a condom

Can you get pregnant throw the ass if wearing a small condom?

No, pregnancy can only occur through vaginal intercourse where the sperm can reach the egg. It is not possible to get pregnant through anal intercourse, even if wearing a condom.

Could you be pregnant if she has been taking birth control for nearly three months and he used a condom during intercourse but the condom managed to come off as he pulled out and came?

It is a very low possibility.

When is it eayeSt for a girl to get pregnAnt?

When a guy does not use a condom during sexual intercourse.

What is the purpose of a contraceptive?

A contraceptive prevents a female from becoming pregnant after sexual intercourse. Contraceptives also prevent against the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases. Common contraceptives include the condom, the female condom, and the birth control pill.

Me and my boyfriend didnt intercourse but his semen release and i had my period next day can i become pregnant?

It's very unlikely but if you do not wish to become pregnant you should always use a condom and/or a reliable birth control method.

Can you be pregnant if intercourse is done after 19TH day of your period?

You can get pregnant any time. However, some form of birth control and a condom make pregnancy so low that you dont have to worry about it. I reccomend Yaz birth control pil if you aren't on something already.

Can you be pregnant if you used a condom and your not on birth control?

yes because the condom could break

I can get pregnant if you use a condom the day of my ovulation?

Certainly. This is when you generally want to have intercourse in order to conceive.

Not on birth control if you use a condom?

The only "birth control" that works 100 percent is Abstinence. But a condom will help prevent it, without a condom you have a low percent of not getting pregnant.