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yes you can get pregnant if you have sex before or at the begining of your period you can get pregnant at anytime. with a condom you have a better chance of protection against pregnancy and diseases but it doesnt mean you wont get pregnant. theres always a chance you can get pregnant with a condom

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Q: Does a girl gets pregnant if she has an intercourse at the first day of her period with a condom?
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Will your period stop if you have intercourse and get pregnant?

yes. You don't get your period when your pregnant. when you first get pregnant though, some women have very light and short periods but that's it.

If on birth control for a week can you get pregnAnt?

yes you can get pregnant you doctor should of told you but the first 4 weeks of being on birth control u should use a condom for intercourse

Are u supposed to miss your period the same month you have intercourse if your pregnant?

Most women miss there first months period after becoming pregnant. Some have their period throughout pregnancy.

Can you get pregnant if you forget to take one pill in the first week of pills?

There is a possibility. Just to be safe, wear a condom or abstain from intercourse for a full week after your missed pill.

Is there a good chance of being pregnant if you dont use a condom and its your first time?

There is a chance that you could get pregnant. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period

When a girl has sex for the first time does she becomes pregnant if the blood comes out after having the sex?

The girl can become pregnant after the sexual intercourse. This can happen regardless of she was virgin or not. It is better to use condom, if the partner is not husband or wife.

Can you get pregnant without ever having your period and he uses a condom?

If you have unprotected sex during the first cycle of your period (but before it's reached the bleeding stage) then you can get pregnant w/o ever having had a visible period.But if you used a condom, and used it right the risk of pregnancy is really small.

You miss your period for 3 months and no weight gain are you pregnant?

Weight gain is irrelevant during the first trimester. If you had intercourse and missed a period pregnancy is possible.

I didn't use protection on the first day of my period and my flow is always very light. Can you still get pregnant on day 1 of your period even if your flow is usually very light anyway?

No you can not get pregnant from having sexual intercourse during a normal period.

Can you get pregnant if the condom rips while you are menstruating on the first day of you period while using birth control?

Yes, safe period aren't safe only periods of varying probability. Out of couples relying on safe periods a full 19% gets pregnant during the first year.

Can you get pregent with out a period?

Are you wondering if you can get pregnant without having had your first period? Well, yes you can. If you're having unprotected sex when your first menstrual cycle is starting, then you can get pregnant witout having had a period first. That'd be unsuitably early to start having sex, and terribly early to become pregnant.

What are the chances of becoming pregnant if the first day of your last period was July 5th and you had intercourse July 13th and July 21st?

not very high but you can if you keep on tring.