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I think it is a possibility just because you got your period does not mean you are not pregnant. When i was pregnant i had no idea and all the signs were there and i disregaurded them because i kept getting my period for 3 months.The best way is to go to the docter.

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Q: Could I be pregnant when I came off my period two weeks ago but I still have sore breasts and lower back pain?
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Does your stomach hurt in the lower part could you be pregnant?

it depends on many other factors. Have you had recent unprotected sex? Have you missed a period? Do you have any other symptoms such as sore breasts, sickness etc? If you have missed your period then perhaps you should take a pregnancy test just to be sure.

Feels like your ribs are expanding and you have pain in lower stomach and around belly button area are you pregnant?

The easiest way to tell if you're pregnant before you use a test kit is that your breasts get larger and sorer, you get cramps regulary around your lower abdomen and you miss your period.

Heavy period sore breasts no lower pain?

Yes sore breasts are part of many women's periods.

My breast have been hurting for 3 weeks straight. I have been having been having headaches everyday and I have had lower back pain Two times. What could be the cause I have had sex on the 1st and 6th?

If you have had painful breasts for 3 weeks and are experiencing lower back pain, it could be PMS. If you had sex on the 1st and 5th and you are late for your period, you could be pregnant. You should see a doctor.

Can you still be pregnant when break through period?

Yes,you can still get pregnant on your period,although the chances may be lower than if you were

Is there a chance someone could be pregnant if had a missed period harsh lower stomache pains and spotting?

Only if you had UNPROTECTED Sex, then there is a chance.

Having your period one day before your period After having your period without intercourse and have a bubbling feeling in the lower abdomen can you still be pregnant?

Um... If ur on ur period, ur not pregnant.

I haven't missed my period but i have white discharge mild cramps headaches lower back pains increase appetite very sleepy what does this mean could be pregnant?

It is very possible you are pregnant.. how soon till your next period, if its right around the corner you could take a home test or wait and see if you miss your period. Best of luck!

Are you pregnant if you have the symptoms late period lower abdomen pain eating a lot and all of these occurred about 5 weeks after having sex?

Its very possible you could be pregnant. Unfortunately I cannot tell you if you're pregnant. Only a blood test can do that.

What does it mean when your lower stomach hurta?

if i spot after my period does that mean im pregnant

Abdominal and lower back cramps tingly and sore breast period is not late and tested negative but just got off antibotic and birth control could you be pregnant?

Yes, you definitely could. You usually will not get a positive pregnancy test until around the time of your missed period, maybe even a few days later. Sore breasts were my first symptom. Test again in a day or two and only test first thing in the morning or you may get a negative even though you are pregnant -- also happened to me. Good luck!

What if your 17 having lower backaches tiredness weird stomach feelings your period is due in 2 days you had sex 2 days after your ovulating time could you be pregnant?

There is ALWAYS a chance that you can get pregnant after engaging in intercourse ...