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yes definitely.

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Q: Could Klonopin cause gastroparesis
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Is gastroparesis airborne?

The cause of gastroparesis is not always known, but it is thought to be the result of a damaged or non-working nerve. It is not airborne.

Can anti-depressants cause gastroparesis?

This was found on because I did not want to give you the wrong answer. Certain anti-depressants are known to cause gastroparesis: == Gastroparesis occurs when the nerves to the stomach are damaged or don't work. Diabetes is the most common cause. Other causes include some disorders of the nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease and stroke, and some medicines, such as tricyclic antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, and narcotics.

Can heroin and Klonopin cause blackouts?

Yes. It can also kill you.

Can Klonopin cause excessive mucous?

Yes, taking Klonopin has been linked to having excess mucous in your mouth. There are also other medications that can cause increased saliva including Clozaril.

Can taking a Klonopin cause a seizure if you have epilepsy?

Yes. It is occasional, but it is possible.

How many to overdose on Klonopin?

It is unlikely that you would be able to kill yourself with Klonopin (clonazepam). The amount that it would take to cause severe impairment depends on the person.

What would cause Benzodiazepines to show positive?

Ummm if you took xanex, klonopin, etc

Suboxone and Klonopin can cause death or no?

I suppose so, if you take massive doses of them, but not if you're taking a normal dose. I was prescribed klonopin for alcohol withdrawal, while I was taking Suboxone.

What is the relationship between migraines and nausea?

Sometimes nausea during migraines is brought up directly by the pain. However, one of the major causes of migraine-related nausea is gastroparesis. Gastroparesis is when the forward motion of your digestion tract slows or stops. During this, the stomach is not emptying correctly - causing nausea. Gastroparesis is the most likely cause of cyclical vomiting (every hour on the hour) during migraines. In cases where a migraineur experiences severe gastroparesis, they may need to opt to take abortive medications as injections, nasal sprays, or in sublingual forms. They may also need to take medications such as Reglan or Compazine to stop nausea and vomiting, and to promote gastric emptying.

Does Klonopin affect the heart?

Yes it does, It is commonly used to treat people with fast heart beat that can cause tachycardia

Will 2800mg of Trazodone 105mg of Klonopin and 1300mg of Paxil kill you if taken all at once?

Taking 2800mg of Trazodone, 105mg of Klonopin, and 1300mg of Paxil can cause seizures, respiratory difficulties, and eventually death when taken all at once.

How long should you wait to drink after taking Klonopin?

Ooh, at least 12 hours. Better yet, 24. In conjunction, Klonopin and alcohol can cause liver damage. Much the same way Tylenol and alcohol don't mix.