

Best Answer
That's not true at all whoever answered this!!! its different in every state.............some states have laws where the biological parent has a period to take their child back like 1 yr or 2 after adoption then its confirmed ( like Massu adopt a child thru the court the biological can take their child anytime up to 1 after the court date....some states (like u said) say once the baby is adopted thru the court its over and their child.......and some states leave it completley open....3 states hold that law but each state has its own law..........AnswerThat's not possible.

Once the biological parent has relinquished their rights to a child or the court has terminated those rights and the child has been adopted it is permanent.

The only option would be if the adoptive parents voluntarily relinquished their parental rights and the court allowed the child to be placed in the biological mother's custody an action which is highly unlikely.

Other than that the child would have to wait until he or she reached the age of majority and could then make their own decision.

Emancipation of the minor would not be an option as the court would not grant an emancipation decree based on such circumstances.

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You can only apply for that if they give up their parental rights and she is up for adoption.

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Q: Can you adopt your child back after you gave her up for adoption?
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Can you adopt your child back after you gave them up for adoption?

Actually there is a window. There is a certain number of days or weeks. I think its possible 60days or 6 weeks or something like that. During this time the birth mother can change her mind and take the baby back.

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Your mother getting married is not the same as adoption. Your status does not change unless there is a formal adoption process, which means your natural father has to agree as well.

Can a child be adopted from another family while the child's original parents are alive?

Yes. Once the child is up for adoption the biological parents have no parental rights anymore and do not have more right than anyone else to adopt them. The judge is more likely to find them less desirable since they gave up their children once already and the court would wonder if they could do it again.

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You MUST see a lawyer.

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If a biological parent gives up their parental rights, then the spouse of the other parent is able to adopt the child. The parent who gave up their rights has no say in the matter.

How do you reverse an adoption in Arkansas?

I am sorry that you are going through this stressful time right now in your life. Let me tell you what I would do. I would pray about this and it seems that you have. Then I would go to the adoption agency where I adopted the child and see if they can help me reverse the adoption. Or I would call a lawyer to help me out. If you are the parent that gave the child up for adoption and you want your child back, I would call a lawyer. I wish you all the luck in the world. Good luck and God Bless:)