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Absolutely. I have the same habit and often develop canker sores and little sore spots. I find that dabbing a little Sea Breeze on the tongue helps, due to its camphor content.

It could also be caused by eating hot or spicy foods or those with acidic content.

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Q: Could a bunch of little red bumps on the tip of your tongue and some on the side be caused by scraping your teeth across your tongue?
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Fungal infection on the surface of the mouth is due to not cleaning Tongue . Tongue Scraping removes harmful bacteria .copper Tongue scraper is antimicrobial and prescribed my both dentists and Ayurveda practitioners .buy online here "A Tongue Cleaner Changed My life " Website

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Finding a black spot on your tongue can definitely make one think that there is something wrong, but in most cases it is not cause for concern. It can be caused by a birthmark. because of smoking, or rarely be a precursor of cancer. If is it is causing you concern then check with a doctor.

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