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Asperger's Syndrome or autism are two possibilities. The symptoms listed do not give an indication of whether it would be a mild or severe case. It is important to express your concern to your child's doctor. Be specific about the symptoms. For example, "auditory problems" does not address whether the child seems to be deaf, cannot hear certain (e.g., high or low) pitches, hears sounds but does not seem to process them as anything other than noise, is overly sensitive to certain sounds, etc.

Weak gross and fine motor skills: Motor control difficulties are seen in children with autism and Asperger's Syndrome, as well as children with hypothyroidism, fetal alcohol syndrome, Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, or other neurological conditions.

Auditory problems: Being oversensitive or undersensitive to sensory input is seen in children with autism and Asperger's Syndrome. It can also be due to other conditions, such as physical hearing difficulties, fetal alcohol syndrome, central auditory processing disorder (CAPD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or other neurological conditions.

Mood swings: Mood swings can be a result of the effects of autism and Asperger's Syndrome. They can be caused by the stress or distress of struggling with other conditions, such as learning disabilities. They can also be caused by a mood disorder, hypothyroidism, fetal alcohol syndrome, depression, Bipolar disorder, sleep apnea, or lack of sleep.

Social skills: Children with autism and Asperger's Syndrome often have difficulty in social situations because they have difficulties understanding non-verbal language and can become very stressed in groups of people. Being socially behind can be the result of feeling uncomfortable because of the symptoms of a condition, rather than the condition itself. Children can also be socially behind due to shyness, fetal alcohol syndrome, or social anxiety disorder.

ADHD often occurs with other conditions that together could cause these symptoms. If the child was adopted, the child's prenatal and infancy background might be unknown. Fetal alcohol syndrome could cause all of these symptoms. Child abuse could also cause these symptoms. There are some rare conditions that could cause these symptoms, as well, such as Wilson's Disease or juvenile Huntington's disease.

There are a number of possibilities, so discuss the symptoms with the child's doctor.

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Q: Could a child have mild Asperger's Syndrome if he has weak gross and fine motor skill mild auditive problems mood swings and is socially behind?
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Aspergers is noted for the top two things 1. Obsessive or intense interests with specific things 2. They are socially awkward (they dont know what to do or say)

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Actually in an interview, he claimed to have Asperger Syndrome which is a mild form of autism. That's why on stage he moves strangely, why he is socially awkward, and makes music all of the time.As a guy with mild Aspergers syndrome, I'll have you know that it is, in fact, a form of Autism. (Can you tell I have it? No. Am I functional? Yes. Am I capable of being a member of this website? Yes.) I have it easy, but there are many people who have much worse than me. People who if you stare at them for a certain amount of time, will throw fits and tantrums. Before you answer flag and comment on another question, I'd highly suggest that you get your facts straight.-C4M444

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Probably, but it has only recently been named as such and clearly defined. Improved: Noone really knows when Aspergers' Syndrome was FIRST thought out, but the first researcher to define it, has since then made the case. You never know, back when the cavemans were around, Aspergers' syndrome could've had some effect.

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Not at all.People with Aspergers fall in love and care about people, just like people without Aspergers.The thing is, people with Aspergers have their own style of communication, and people without Aspergers have a different style of communication. Emotions manifest in certain ways in persons with Aspergers, and in slightly different ways with non-Aspergers. So sometimes two people both with Aspergers get along well, because they understand eachother, and can read each other's emotions better. Sometimes neurotypicals (that is, people without Aspergers) don't propperly read the emotions of someone with Aspergers, and vice versa. So there can be challenges in a neurotypical/Aspie relationship, but that relationship is not doomed. You just have to both learn to understand each other, which is perfectly possible if you both want to.The important thing to remember, is that each person with Aspergers is a unique individual with an individual personality, just like each person without Aspergers.I have Aspergers. My closest friend does also. We have a lot of affection for each other. Sadly, not everyone else understands me. But he does. Our friendship proves that we are capable of deep emotionally felt love.And it really is possible for a deep relationship to exist when one person is neurotypical (not aspergers) and the other has aspergers. But it does really help when you understand Aspergers.Aspergers: Capable of deep love, like anyone else.May have more subtle or different ways of showing emotion.Tended to be socially awkward when young. May have learned social skills in adulthood, or may still come across as a little weird.Will always have an Obsession. What this is about, depends on the individual. If he/she is in love with you, you may be their Obsession.

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the age varies. the signs and symptoms of ASD usually become more apparent as a child gets older. Problems with language will become more noticeable. It is likely that a child will begin to have difficulty interacting socially. They will also show unusual patterns of behaviour. Symptoms can be first noticed when a baby is 6 to 18 months old but sometimes it can't be diagnosed straight away and may take a bit more time before being given a official diagnoses of aspergers or autism.

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The two conditions have now been merged, it was recognized that there was not enough difference between the two for them to be considered separate disorders/syndromes. The only real difference is that with Asperger Syndrome there is no developmental delays, whereas with Autism there can be developmental delays such as a delay in speech. The idea that Asperger Syndrome is less severe or 'high-functioning' (which is a highly offensive term) is completely false.

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