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For a mutation to be passed onto the next generation it must be on sex chromosome. If mutation occurs in somatic cells of our body, it will not be passed on to the offspring(s). Mutation that changes one or few base pairs in the DNA is called point mutation.

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Q: Could a mutation in a cell in the liver of a human be passed on?
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How could human cloning save lives?

The idea is to clone a part of a human. So if you need a new liver, a liver could be cloned from your DNA, making it the perfect donor. You wouldn't actually clone a whole human.

Do human beings eat human liver?

Yes they can eat human being liver

What helps heal the human liver?

Vegetables fruits if you do a liver cleanse it will help heal your liver and figure out how it might have gotten that way lots of things could have made it that way have to stay away from things that could make it bad acetaminophen liver has problems using this ibeprophen its hard on the liver to work with.

Compare the structure of the human liver with those of a cat?

The structure of the human liver is different from that of a cat. A human liver has only four lobes whereas a cat's liver has five lobes.

Is human heart the size of a football?

Assuming American Football the liver is roughly the same size.

A mutation occures in the liver cells of a certain field mouse. which statement concerning the spread of this mutation through the mouse population is correct?

(C) It will not spread because it is not in a gamete.

How does the liver of a rat differ from the liver of a human?

the frogs liver is way biger

Could you give a goat Tylenol?

No as this is a human medication and there would be unknown side effects in a goat - you could destroy the liver and harm your goat.

If liver broken then it will take to risk to human?

If the liver is broken or damaged, it will cause a risk to human health. If the liver is badly damaged, it can lead to death.

Can a liver be transplanted?

Yes, part of a living human liver can be transplanted unto another living human - the liver part will grow into a fully functioning liver withing weeks/months.

How many jobs does the liver have?

The human liver performs a variety of tasks within the human body. For instance, the liver aids in digestion and the function of the immune system. Additionally, the liver aids in metabolism.

Can a man live without a liver?

No human can live without a liver. The liver itself provides 500 functions, and is just as essential as the heart and brain. Without the liver one could not digest food. A few other functions the liver provides are storing vitamins and minerals, and regulating the body's metabolism!