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Sorry but this doesn't seem to be a reason to be legally emancipated. If the parent is abusive or under the influence often when arguing then it is possible.

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Q: Could a sixteen year old get emancipated because a parent argues to much?
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What if your sixteen and you're already emancipated and want to get married do you still have to have your parents sign?

if you are emancipated you no longer need parent's permission for anything

Can you get a piercing if you're emancipated?

you should because your emancipated, you don't need a parent anymore. that's whaat being emancipated is.

Can you live where you want to when your sixteen and pregnant without parent consent?

{| |- | No, it isn't likely to happen. Only about half the states allow you to get emancipated. Of those most require you to be at least 16 to get emancipated. Being a parent, or being pregnant, has no bearing on your ability to support yourself and your child. |}

Can a parent get a court order to keep sixteen year old from moving out?

Technically, they cant move out legally until they are 18, unless they get emancipated. and if they do that, then no you cant.

What are the rights of an adopted minor who is also a parent and if over sixteen are they legally able to leave there residence with the adoptive parent?

A pregnant minor or one who is already a parent is not emancipated apart from regarding their health or the child. And adopted children are legally like the biological ones to the adoptive parent. This means you are not emancipated until you are 18 and can only then decide where to go or move.

Can a parent kick their daughter out of the house at the age of sixteen in Oregon?

No, that would be child abandonment. Parents are obligated to care for their children until they emancipated, age 18 in Oregon.

Can a sixteen year old terminate legal rights of the parents or become emancipated in South Carolina if parent consents?

Yes. You have to have parental consent to be legally emancipated, unless you are being mentally/emotionally abused, physically abused, or their living arrangements are unstable.

Is it possible to get emancipated from the custodial parent and not the noncustodial parent?


Can a sixteen year old move out at sixteen in Kentucky?

No, a sixteen year old can not legally move out on their own in Kentucky. Unless the sixteen year old is married or has parental permission they have to live with the parent until they are 18.

Can a sixteen year old get emancipated from one parent to live with another in California?

Yes, a sixteen year old in California can seek emancipation from one parent to live with another if they can prove to the court that it's in their best interest. The process requires filing a petition with the court, attending a hearing, and demonstrating the ability to support oneself financially and make informed decisions. It's important to consult with a lawyer for guidance on the emancipation process.

If you are sixteen can you get plastic surgery?

you need to ask your parent or adopted parent

Can a minor be emancipated from one parents without being emancipated from the other?

In some states, a minor can be emancipated from one parent without being emancipated from the other, as long as the court deems it in the minor's best interest. This process usually involves demonstrating financial independence or other valid reasons for seeking emancipation from one parent.