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Q: Could an astronaut land on the dark side of the moon?
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Related questions

Who was the first astronaut to land on the dark side of the moon?

No manned mission ever landed in an un-illuminated spot on the moon.

Did Malaysian astronaut land on moon?

No, only Americans have landed on the moon.

Which module enables the astronaut to land and leave the moon?

It is the lunar module that is used to land on the moon, and leave the moon.

How astronaut land in the moon and take off from the moon?

The astronauts land on the moon and also take off from the moon on their Lunar module.

Who was the last astronaut to land on the moon?

neil Armstrong

Year of first astronaut to land on the moon?


Did Sally land on the Moon?

No woman has landed on the Moon, so Sally Ride, the well known astronaut, did not land on the Moon.

Who was the first astronaut to step on the moon?

The first astronaut to land on the moon was Neil Armstrong. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon.

How does the astronaut land up in moon with out air?

he holds his breath

What was the name of the Apollo mission that want to the moon?

Apollo 11 was the first mission to land an astronaut on the moon.

What two things do the astronaut take when they land on the moon?

Antacid and popping candy.

Who is the first astronout landed on the moon and what year is it?

The first astronaut to land on the moon was Neil Armstrong , and he walked on the moon in the year 1969.