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No. Because different proteins only work for specific causes. Pepsin in your stomach breaks proteins down into the amino acids which your body can reuse, and amylase in your mouth breaks down starch into glucose molecules. Enzymes have a specific "shape" which is used to as a catalyst for only specific reactions. Think of it like this. One enzyme will only work for one chemical reaction. This is why you have billions of them in you.

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Q: Could an enzyme which causes proteins to break down into their component amino acids also cause starch to break down into sugar molecules?
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What molecule inside the nucleus is responsible for the code that makes enzyme proteins?

The ribosome is the component responsible for synthesizing a particular enzyme. Ribosomes also have the job of linking together RNA molecules.

What is the difference between apoenzyme and holoenzyme?

Enzymes are proteins that catalyze (i.e., increase the rates of) chemical reactions, Coenzymes are small organic molecules that transport chemical group. Inhibitors are activators or molecules that increase or decrease enzyme activity. Apoenzyme is a protein component of an enzyme, to which the coenzyme attaches to form an active enzyme where as holoenzyme is an active, complex enzyme consisting of an apoenzyme and a coenzyme.

Why enzyme like pepsin only break down proteins and not other molecules?

The enzymes like pepsin break down the proteins and not the other molecules because they are themselves protein.

What kind of organic is the enzyme?

enzymes are proteins, made up of amino acids, which are organic molecules

Do enzymes produce proteins?

Enzyme are not producing proteins but they catalyses the steps in proteins synthesis. Proteins are produced in ribosomes by amino acids and RNA molecules such as tRNA and mRNA. Enzyme such as peptidyl synthetase catalyse the prptide bond formation between amino acids.

What is an organic non-protein component that aids in enzyme functioning?

All enzymes are protein molecules

Does enzyme has proteins?

An enzyme is a protein

What digestive digests proteins?

digestive juices consit of digestive enzymes (strictly says, proteases) such as renin, pepsin, trypsin and other molecules that helps in digesting proteins

What type of biological material is in the enzyme?

Enzymes are mostly proteins. However it was believed that first molecules that ever served as enzymes were RNA.

Is pepsin a polypeptide?

Pepsinogen is the proenzyme of pepsin. Pepsinogen is inactive, it is metabolized into the enzyme pepsin which break down proteins into small molecules.

Where is pepsin produced What is the effect of pepsin on protein?

Pepsin is produced in the stomach. Pepsin is an enzyme that digests (hydrolyses) proteins into smaller polypeptide molecules.