

Could black plague happen today

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Only in unsanitory conditions like third-world countries so if you live in the us or Canada you are safe


Actually, Bubonic Plague still occurs (although rarely) in many rural areas of the American Southwest, where it is carried by fleas on packrats, field mice, and prairie dogs. It is completely curable if treated early by antibiotics.

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Q: Could black plague happen today
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How are people treated for the black plague?

Today, they are treated with antibiotics.

Which countries can you get the Black Death in today?

None, the plague has died out.

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What is the date of the end of the black death?

The Black Death (AKA The Bubonic Plague, The plague) didn't really "start" or "end" on specific dates. There are some rare cases of The Bubonic plague today. The peak of the Black Death was around 1347- 1352

Can you re catch the black death?

the black plague does still exist today, however it is a really rare disease

What are the treatments for the black plague?

The small number of cases that occur today are treated with antibiotics.

What is the treatment of the black plague?

Today, it can be easily treated with antibiotics if caught early enough.

Is black death rare to get today?

Bubonic plague does still exist in the world, but it is rare.

How to get rid of the plague?

well if you have the bubonic plague you could have an oporation or get tablets and a prescription from your doctor which might take 1 year to get ride of but if you leave it for to long you would die in a matter of 2-3 weeks.

How did people avoid catching the black plague?

The Black Death was an outbreak of plague that killed a third to half the people in Europe during the period of 1347 to 1352. At the time there was very little anyone could do to avoid it. I have read that some walled towns in England brought in food, raised their drawbridges, and waited until it passed, with some success, but I cannot provide a reference for this. Today, the bubonic plague can be treated with modern medicine.

How do they cure people of the black plague today?

with antibotics if left untreated infected patients die

How did the black death change peoples life today?

We would have a bigger population if it weren't for the plague.