

Best Answer

yes they are both kind of snakes and are both coldblooded

^^^ NO, Absolutely NOT ! Despite the fact they are both form the same country, the Boa constrictor grows to a huge size, and considerable weight ! Housing these species together would almost certainly result in the bull snake being crushed under the weight of the boa ! - Snakester1962 (Supervisor)

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Q: Could bull snakes live with boa constrictors?
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How are boas constrictors born?

Even though it is a reptile it gives birth to live baby snakes.

Are boa constrictors oviparous?

No they are Ovoviparous ! Oviparous snakes lay eggs - Ovoviparous snakes give birth to live young.

Do boa consrtictors travel in packs?

No. Like all snakes boa constrictors live alone.

Do snakes live in the Canadian wilderness?

Yes. Garter snakes, rattle snakes, rat snakes, bull-nose, on and on.

How are boas born?

Boa constrictors give live birth. Boas, garter snakes, and all snakes in the viper family give live birth. All other species lay eggs.

Do snakes give birth to live your or hacth eggs?

yes corn snakes do lay eggs and they can have up to 40 eggs

Which species of snake is not born from an egg?

There are quite a few - Including Vipers and Boa Constrictors.

Is a snake born alive or in eggs?

Most snakes hatch from eggs, but a few species, namely large constrictors such as the anaconda, give live birth instead.

Can snakes have live birth?

Some snakes give birth to live young , others lay eggs. In the U.S. sone examples of egg layers are the Racers, King snakes and Coral snake. Examples of live birthing snakes are: all the venomous snakes with the exception of the Coral snake, Water snakes, Garter snakes>

Rare occasion when a reptile will have life birth?

Live births among reptiles are not a '...rare occasion...' Boa constrictors and Garter Snakes both are naturally live-bearers, as are some lizard species.

Why do boa constrictors give birth to live young?

That's like asking why other snakes lay eggs, or why mammals give live birth. Or why we must consume our food rather than absorb nutrients from the soil. Rattlesnakes and garter snakes give live birth too....

What is a constrictor snake?

What Are They: Constricting snakes are a family of snakes that consists of all boas, pythons, and anacondas. This family of snakes do not kill with biting or venom they squeeze there prey until the blood stops flowing to the brain or they can`t breathe. Anacondas are the largest snake not only out of constrictors but out of all snakes. Anacondas have grown to be 37 feet! The pythons and boas can be very large too but not as big. Pythons are larger out of the two. Constricting snakes are very strong and grow to be more than a foot thick sometimes. They live in South America, Africa, Australia, Asia, and the Phillipenes.