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Q: Could congress vote to limit strongly the number of immigrants permitted to enter the US?
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What was the purpose of a literacy test given to immigrants at Ellis Island after 1921?

To give a sharp limit of the number of immigrants permitted to come to the U.S.

How many immigrants where in the us between 1820 and 1960?

Four Million Immigrants Came to America During the 1840s and 1850s. of a number of important issues before Congress

Why did fewer Asians immigrate to the US after 1880 than before?

Congress passed laws that held off the number of immigrants movimg in.

What was the number of European Russian Jewish Immigrants to Ellis Island between 1900-1910?

The Library of Congress puts the number at about 1.1 million (1,100,000), since it gives the number for 1900 to 1914 as 1.5 million.

Why did the number of English immigrants decrease after 1660?

Why did the number of english immigrants decrease after 1660?

How successful were attemps to restrict immigration in the US?

In 1920 congress passed the emergency quota act , which limited the number of immigrants from any country to be less than 3% per year of the total number of immigrants. Congress passed the immigration act to change the percentage to be 2% and to specifically restrict immigration from east asia and southern and eastern europe. The idea was to keep the socialists and communists out of the country, for example " sacco and vanzentti case "

What was the Allen Act?

The Alien and Sedition Acts were a controversial set of measures passed by Congress after the French Revolution. They implemented a number of policies relating to residency requirements, immigration, and deportation of immigrants.

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what is the "Number" 1 of congress

What is the average number of immigrants TO Canada?

About 6/1,000 citizens of Canada are immigrants.

What is the current number of congress?

This Current Congress is the 111th Congress :)

What percent of immigrants are illegal?

The number of illegal immigrants in the U.S was estimated at 11.5% in 2011.

What is the phone number of brian grazer?

We are not permitted to provide.