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No, tips of homologous chromosomes cross over in Meiosis I. There are no homologous chromosomes by Meiosis I.

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Q: Could crossing over occur during second meiotic division?
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When does the secondary oocyte complete its second meiotic division to become a mature ovum?

At fertilization the secondary oocyte completes its second meiotic division

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When chromosomes fail to separate at either the first or second meiotic division this is known as?

a nondisjunction

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What is the result of the second meiotic division?

Meiosis II results in four haploid (N) daughter cells.

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Is disploid the second stage of meiotic division?

The diploid is the first stage. The diploid will duplicate one time and then divide twice and create four haploid cells.

How is mitosis different from mitosis?

During meiosis there is pairing between homologous chromosomes for exchange of chromatin material by crossing over and these chromosomes get separated in first stage of meiotic division, thus half of the chromosomes separate at each pole; the second stage of meiosis is more or less similar to mitotic division. At the end of meiosis 4 daughter nuclei are formed whereas in mitosis only 2 daughter nuclei are formed without reduction in the number of chromosomes.

Why is the second meiotic division necessary if the reproduction of chromosome number is accomplished by the first division?

You need the second step to further divide the chromosome into two halves. When that happens the sex cells will have half the chromosomes and when combined with the other sex cell that will produce an individual with one half from the father and one half from the mother.

What is the period of time between the first and second meiotic divisions?

It is called Interkinesis

What is oogenessis?

This is the process by which eggs (ova) are made.It begins with the primordial germ cells (also called oogonium) which are diploid (have the full set of paired chromosomes). They divide by mitosis to produce primary oocytes. Then a primary oocyte undergoes a first meiotic division creating a secondary oocyte and a first polar body (which dies). Then after the second meiotic division of the secondary oocyte, an ootid (now haploid - i.e. has full set of unpaired chromosomes) results, along with a second polar body (which dies just like the first one). The ootid then develops into an ovum (egg).

CGPA 2.36 in Pakistan is first division or second division?

It is second division with C grade