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Q: Could gum disease cause high white blood count?
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Does lyme disease cause high white blood count?

Lyme disease can cause a high white blood count.

When high white blood count is bacterial infection the cause?

High white blood cell count could be due to any type of infection or a bone marrow problem. Also possibly chronic disease such as Tuberculosis or drugs like AZT.

What causes low wbc?

Illnesses and disease can cause low white blood cell count. This is determined by doing a blood test and being evaluated by a doctor.

What could be the cause of a low white blood count and a low red blood count?

You should probably see a doctor.........White blood cells and cells that fight infection are the same thing........You might have a skin disease Also, a high white blood cell count means that your body is fighting an infection somewhere internally, or in your case, possibley externally.

What does low white cells and high red blood cells mean?

Someone who has a low white blood cell count indicates they have a suppressed immune system. White blood cells work to fight off disease. If somebody has a high red blood cell count, it means they have large count of red blood cells in their system. A high blood cell count can be triggered by various conditions such as heart failure, hypertension, COPD and emphysema.

Why does certain people suffer from a lack of white blood cell?

it could be caused by a disease...smoking also eliminates your white blood cell count

What could be the cause of low white blood count?

cancer or sickle cell if your African American

What are causes of high white blood cell count?

There are several different things that could be causing an increased white blood cell count. Some of these things include an infection, a reaction to a drug, a disease of bone marrow, or an immune system disorder.

Does high white blood cell count cause headaches?

can severe headaches cause high white blood cell count

Can eczema cause low white blood cell count?

Eczema do not cause low white blood cell count.

If you have a perfect blood count does this mean your disease free?

No, there are many diseases that can't be detected by a CBC or complete blood count.

Do gallstones cause an elevated white blood cell count?

Not usually. If they are causing pain or are infected they could.