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Yes, and no. It all depends on what and where the tattoo is, and if you are willing to get it removed if it is not acceptable. AFI (Air Force Instruction) 36-2903 covers brands and tattoos.

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Q: Could having a tattoo prevent you from joining the Air Force?
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What could prevent on from being able to get a tattoo?

There are a few things that could prevent someone being able to get a tattoo. One of the most common reasons is if someone is drunk, they cannot sign the consent form.

Could getting a tattoo affect you if you have epilepsy?

Having a tattoo will not help you in any way to get well.

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You should not go into the ocean right after you've gotten a tattoo. This could cause the tattoo to not set properly.

What is a straight edge tattoo?

a tattoo that has something to do with straight-edge, a subculture and lifestyle choice about not drinking, doing drugs or having casual sex. a straight-edge tattoo could be lyrics from an edge band or x's.

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Some vets leave small tattoo to prevent accidental surgury. Your vet could probably tell you.

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A hanging pocket watch tattoo doesn't have a set meaning. It could mean anything from having time on your hands too remembering an important point in your life....or it could just be a pocket watch

What is a straight edge?

a tattoo that has something to do with straight-edge, a subculture and lifestyle choice about not drinking, doing drugs or having casual sex. a straight-edge tattoo could be lyrics from an edge band or x's.

Are there any colleges in Northern Ireland that could do a tattoo course?

The Professional Tattoo Academy in Northern Ireland could help you do a tattoo course.

How could you prevent diabetes?

you can't prevent diabetes %100. however, by controlling your diet, exercising, and avoid smoking, you will have lower risk for having diabetes.

Would you consider joining the military?

yes, you could consider joining the military

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One could get rosary tattoos when one goes to tattoo parlors. There are many tattoo parlors that offer rosary tattoos. They are Saved Tattoo, Three Kings Tattoo, etc.

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There are many things that a sun and moon tattoo could mean. This kind of tattoo could symbolize a mother and father relationship for example.