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Having heterogeneously dense fibroandular tissue is a cancer cell does that mean i have breast cancer already?

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Q: Could heterogeneously dense fibroglandular mean you have cancer already?
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Can rabbits get cancer if they don't have babies?

yes they could still possibly get cancer even though they already had babies it doesn't matter if they do have babies or not.

Can a mole be cancer?

No. I think that you can't have cancer that was made from a mole it disn't make sence that you can have cancer from a mole.AnswerNo. Many people have numerous moles and do not have cancer. If the mole is an unusual color, has hairs growing out of it, or is large and/or growing, you should see your Doctor. AnswerGenerally, no. Moles are usually of no medical consequence. However, sudden changes that occur in moles (such as bleeding, irritation, darkening, sudden growth or a change in shape) can be a sign of skin cancer, so monitoring for these changes is adviseable.

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Some doctors suggest not picking at moles as it can lead to cancer. Picking moles can lead to excessive bleeding and possible infections.

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The cecum is located at the beginning of the large intestine. If there is a mass, or polyp, on the cecum it could mean cancer. This type of cancer is colon cancer.

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It could. There is a genetic condition called lynch syndrome or hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) that could have colon cancer and other types of cancers, such as uterine, etc...

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No, apple seeds can not cure cancer. This is not true and if they could, nobody in the would have cancer.

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You could go into cancer research, work in a hospice....

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