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Hello - It could be implantation cramps yes. If you experience light bleeding or spotting in your underwear or when you wipe, then do a pregnancy test in two weeks time.

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Q: Could it be implantation cramps Apr 3 and 4 if sex was on Mar 24 27 30 and Apr 2 and your cycle was on Mar 12 or is it more likely to be menstrual cramps?
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Could it be implantation cramps yesterday and today if today is Apr 4 and sex was on Mar 24 27 30 and Apr 2 your cycle was on Mar 12 or is it more likely to you menstrual cramps?

Probably too late...Hi! You probably already know by now if you are pregnant. But if you are still trying here are some tips for you. Ovulation occurs approximately 14 days before your period starts - so you really need to know how long your normal cycle is. If you have a 28 day cycle, you will usually ovulate on day 14. With a 36 day cycle, ovulation will occur at day 22. The best time for intercourse is 24 hours before ovulation.Implantation cramps would usually occur about 10 days later - so about 3 or 4 days before your period is due. Therefore from your dates I really can't be sure. If you usually have a short cycle (24 days) it is most probably menstrual cramps. For a 28 day cycle, you could be on track for pregnancy!I hope all is well for you and good luck!

Does cramping after your period is over indicate pregnancy?

Absolutely not.. could be a million things.. but most likely CANCER

Could a woman ovulate 2 days after her period?

Yes. It is very hard to pinpoint ovulation. People think that is 14 days or in the middle of the cycle, but it can be up to a few days before or after menstruation. The problem with a very early ovulation is that the uterus hasn't completed building the wall for the next possible implantation.

When a girl is mean does it mean she likes you?

Some girls just like to tease boys because they like them and are to scared to show their actual feelings. If the person is a mean naturally then it more than likely means she is being mean just to be mean. The only way you can actually tell is just by asking her if she does then you know! It doesn't always mean they like you, they could just despise you. Or they could be just joking around.

What are the applications of impulsive differential equation in day today life?

If you happened to know impulsive differential equations and there was an outbreak of swine flu, bird flu, zombie bumblebees, etc., and there was a method to treat them (and you knew about it), then you *could* tell how likely it is that the treatment would be effective, and how long that would take. That could affect your stock portfolio, or whether or not you want to leave the house or answer the door because it's worth quarantining yourself away from disease... which could also just make you look like a crazy person because even if *you* can tell using impulsive differential equations that we're all doomed, your neighbors probably don't.

Related questions

Could you have implantation cramps one day after sex during ovulation?

Some women do experience cramps during ovulation. This is most likely what you experienced.

Does small cramps in lower abdomen could that be caused by implantation but cramps with no bleeding?

Most women don't cramp or bleed from implantation but it's always possible. It's also possible to have cramps with no bleeding.

What home remedies could be used to relieve menstrual cramps?

There are several home remedies used to relieve menstrual cramps. Patches, herbal tea, multivitamins, yoga and swimming are home remedies used to relieve menstrual cramps.

How can you tell the difference between menstrual cramps and pregnancy cramps?

Just speaking from experience. You shouldn't have pregnanacy cramps?? When I was miscarring I had severe cramping but that was later on the preganancy. Do you have spotting or bleeding? If so, contact your doctor right away! Have you miised you scheduled period? Menstrual cramps feel similar to inital labor pains, but of course the labor pains become much more intense. Good luck to you. THE REAL ANSWER RIGHT HERE!!!!!! should have cramping during pregnancy because your uterus is making way for the baby. yeah you can have misscarrage cramps but c'mon, everyone knows about implantation cramps.....

What pills could help get rid of menstrual cramps?

Feminax Ultra available from boots chemist

If af is not due for another 4 days i have been having menstrual cramps pelvic pain for over a week sore boobs fatigue even though no implantation bleeding could i be pregnant?

I have been having the same exact issues. Can you let me know what you found out or do find out? Ty

Can you get your menstrual the day before implantation and if so what's the next step?

Doubtful, your menstrual is release of the lining in where the fertilized egg would be implanting itself. Check out the signs of implantation - depending on your discharge could actually be experiencing one or the other but not both...from what I have read/heard of.

What are cramps on the left side lower abdomen?

Depends on how low... could be gas in the intestines, could be PMS (pre menstrual syndrome for us ladies)

When do you start getting cramps when your fixing to start your period?

Although menstrual cramps are common, they are not a normal part of healthy menstruation - as such there is nothing to say that you will get cramps at all,and if you do experience cramps know that they are preventable. When you could get cramps depends on your body, typically they can start as early as a week to two weeks before menstruation.

Is it possible to die from period cramps?

No, it's not possible to die from menstrual cramps. Menstrual cramps are common, effecting up to 80% of women at some point in their life, most woman can completely prevent cramps with simple dietary changes, herbal treatments, or even by changing their attitudes towards menstruation. Some women are more prone to menstrual cramps than others, and there are certain conditions such as Endometriosis which can cause severe menstrual cramps that can make a woman very ill and seriously effect their life. If you suffer from severe cramps it's important to see your doctor to rule out possible problems like Endometriosis, and although menstrual cramps can't kill you what you think are menstrual cramps could be something else more serious so it's best to check to be safe. Note: Some doctors attempt to prescribe hormonal birth control pills as a quick fix, these suppress the menstrual cycle and have a wide range of potential side-effects so are best avoided, a doctor should always run tests to rule out potential health problems and offer real treatment options.

Menstrual cycle week early but only last 1 day month later abdomen pain and sore breast?

Your menstrual cycle could have been mistaken for implantation bleeding. I recommend that you take a pregnancy tests to confirm.

Why does it hurt when I bend over in the abdomen?

Pain in the abdomen could mean that you are having intestinal problems, such as constipation. You may also be experiencing menstrual cramps.