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No it could not mess up your body unless you get pregnet

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Q: Could it mess up your body to be sexually active at 14?
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You could have the chance of being pregnant. But there are also other factors that could affect this: stress, phys. activity, being overweight/underweight. If you have been sexually active recently and missed your periods your might want to take a test. Birth Control can also mess up the cycle as well.

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By not making a mess in the house. "Making a mess" is an active thing. You actually have to DO it; it doesn't just happen when youre back is turned. So just don't.

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A prefix for "mess" could be "un-", as in "unmess".

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It depends. If you're in your teens, your period might not have normalized yet. Have you been under any significant stress? That mess with your period, too. If you're very concerned or this has happened repeatedly, you might want to talk to your doctor. You could consider going on the pill. It can help regulate your period.

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When invited to a formal event where all the Active Duty Officers are wearing the Mess Dress Uniform.

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You could mean "made" as in: I made a mess. You could mean "maid" as in: The maid cleaned up the mess.