

Could mouthwash clean a penny

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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it could stay the same or turn it more dirty

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Q: Could mouthwash clean a penny
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How do you clean mouthwash from a mattress cover?

Put it in the washer, add detergent, and run it.

My Gums hurt and they have white stuff on them will it be yanked out?

It could be oral thrush recommend getting a mouthwash called corsodyl if that dont work then antibiotics from your docter will clean it up...

Can Mountain Dew clean a penny?

Yes mountain dew can clean a penny because there are acids in the formula. towards the penny and an acid can clean a pennny..You can also use toothpaste on a cottan ball or ketchup. Using an acid to clean a penny will destroy the collecting value of the coin.

How could mouthwash give you cancer?

it can't

What happens when you put a penny in olive oil?

It will clean the penny. :)

Would mouthwash hurt your contact lenses?

I do not believe mouthwash can physically do harm to you teeth if used properly. Overuse of certain types of mouthwash can be irritating to your gums and certain dyes used may stain your teeth with overuse. If used too frequently, anti-bacterial mouthwashes could also destroy the good bacteria in your mouth that are responsible for keeping it healthy. But as far as physical, direct tooth damage, no.

What happens if you soak a penny in hand sanitizer?

A very clean penny

What will happen if you soak the penny to vinegar overnight?

The penny will get clean i did that in science class and in less than 2 minutes the penny became clean