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According the research, a lack of potassium can give leg cramps at night. In order to prevent this, a person should eat food with high potassium such as banana.

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Q: Could my leg cramps at night be from a low potassium level?
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What can be causing Cramps in fingers left hand?

Hand cramps are a result of hand muscles and nerve condition. A common cause of cramping is dehydration, heat exhaustion, fatigue, and injury or trauma of nerves. This is also common in people with diabetes and to any condition that affects the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord.

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I have had issues with leg cramps for 45 years, since early teen years. I take potassium, eat bananas, grapes and do on. Still get cramps if I have worked up a lot of sweat for a few hours. Rubbing alcohol works almost instantly and no more cramps the rest of the night. I really don't care why or what the experts say, it works for me every time.

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Yes, it causes leg cramps for me. It does wonders for my arthritis and other aches and pains. But, after a few days, I will wake up in the middle of the night with leg cramps, usually on the inside of my thighs - even sometimes in both legs at the same time. I try to take potassium. This seems to help.

Could a heating blanket cause leg cramps at night?

A heating pad can be used to help with the leg cramps, not usually causing them. There is lots of information on the internet about leg cramps. A few things to try would be some simple stretching and exercises before bed and drink lots of water.

Would eating almonds cause muscle cramps?

I have experienced foot cramps at night after eating a healthy helping of raw almonds.

You went drinking the other night and got serious cramps during your periods is that normal?

Drinking can cause major cramps. It's normal.

Can cold weather cause leg cramps?

I just got back from camping. It was hot during the day and cold at night. I slep with a light fleece blanket the first night and while I did not get really cold I did have terrible leg cramps in the large muscles of the thigh. The next night I used the fleece and added to it another two blankets and a quilt. No cramps occured. The second night was a few( maybe 5 max) degrees warmer.

Why you get leg cramps after sports?

Actually, no one knows exactly why someone gets cramps, commonly known as Charlie Horses, but the prevailing theories seem to point to sudden loss of electrolytes, or at least an imbalance in them, in your system. Some people get these during the athletic event, some after and some at night. \ Eating bananas for the potassium and drinking drinks with high amounts of electrolytes seem to help some people. Also for those getting them at night, stretching before going to bed seems to help.

Why do you get legcramps at night?

Leg cramps at night can be caused by factors such as dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, overuse of muscles, or poor circulation. Additionally, some medical conditions like peripheral artery disease or certain medications can also contribute to nocturnal leg cramps. Stretching before bed, staying hydrated, and reviewing medications with a healthcare provider can help reduce the occurrence of leg cramps at night.

What causes muscle cramps in the leg?

a lot of things could cause this..diabetic neuropathy, or blood clots, muscle atrophy, low potassium..get it checked out by a doctor. I found I would get leg cramps when I had over- or underexerted myself or when I was dehydrated. I don't know what causes them but I have a drug-free cure. Sit on the edge of your bathtub or on the countertop at your kitchen sink. Run cold water over the top of the foot of the leg that is affected. Avoid putting pressure on this foot. As your body gets used to the temperature, the water will start to feel warm. Shift your foot so that the cold tap water is now running over the ankle. Continue shifting between ankle and top of foot until cramp is gone. Once it is gone, lie down (preferably go to sleep). After years of debilitating leg cramps and being wakened in the middle of the night with them, I now no longer suffer from these annoying occurrences.

What is the description for heat cramps?

Heat cramps are muscle spasms that result from loss of large amount of salt and water through exercise. Heat cramps are associated with cramping in the abdomen, arms and calves. This can be caused by inadequate consumption of fluids or electrolytes. Frequently, they don't occur until sometime later, especially at night or when relaxing. Heavy sweating causes heat cramps, especially when the water is replaced without also replacing salt or potassium.Although heat cramps can be quite painful, they usually don't result in permanent damage. In order to prevent them, one may drink electrolyte solutions such as sports drinks during exercise or eat potassium-rich foods like bananas.