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Q: Could nation Survive without trade
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Why does Australia trade?

Countries trade for their economy, no country could survive on their own without trade.

Does a nation have to have a government?

without a government the countries would have problems with trade, religions, etc...

How do you know that trade was very important to china?

Well, trade is very important to everyone. Know one can survive without trade. everyone needs trade to survive. there's your answer bubby!! :D

Why is international business important to Canadian organizations and the Canadian economy?

International business is important to all countries. To sell more goods then you buy causes your nation to have more money and value. If your nation isolates itself from all other countries, you have a stagnant growth pattern. Your value as a nation stays the same or dwindles. International trade brings in new concepts and innovation also. In Canada's case, 94% of that countries population lives within a few miles of the U.S.A. I am not sure Canada could survive as a separate country without that trade.

This Nation dominated slave trade?

The British were the dominant nation of the slave trade.

Why are environmental regulations sometimes considered unfair barriers to trade?

If "Nation A" has stricter laws for environmental protection than "Nation B" and if these laws restric the ability of "Nation B" to to export its goods to "Nation A", then by the policy of WTO and the EU nation A's environmental protection laws could be oerruled in the name of free trade.

How is trade deficit and trade surplus similar?

They're actually the same thing: Nation A sells a higher value of goods to Nation B than Nation B sells to Nation A. Whether you're looking at a trade deficit or trade surplus depends on if you're Nation A or Nation B.

Did Delaware use trade to survive?

yes almost every colony use trade to survive

What was the basis of the mercantilist theory of economics?

The idea that the nation could be enriched by controlling trade with colonial markets.

What is barter trade?

Barter trade is a form of exchange, but without the use of currency. (Example: You could trade someone a pencil for a sheet of paper)

Internal vs external trade?

internal trade- trade which is done within the boundaries of a nation or a country is internal trade external trade-trade which is done with other countries or nation is external trade by divya kalra

When the value of a nation imports exceeds the value of that nations exports the nation is said to have?

When nation's value of imports exceeds the value of its exports, it can be said that the nation has a trade deficit.