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Yes. But it would take a very long time and a lot of dead people in the same place.

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Q: Could oil come from dead people If they were buried under all the rocks and stuff like the dinosaurs?
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What are 2 ways that rocks provide evidence of changes in the earth?

Skeleton of dinosaurs are buried much deeper than human skeletons, therefore this shows that Dinosaurs were alive hundreds of years ago.

Did dinosuars die in chocolate?

no. many theories about the death of dinosaurs say they were hit by a huge asteriod or the loss of nutrition killed them and they were buried by dust, dirt and rocks over the years

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Sauropods, who were plant-eating dinosaurs, used rocks to grind their food to aid in digestion. These rocks are called gastroliths.

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rocks are called gastroliths

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Most rocks from that era are deeply buried.

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Rocks buried deep underground must get exposed before they are weathered or eroded

Is there any fossils of dinosaurs?

Of curse there are, they are mainly located in sedimentary rocks, the only rocks in which fossils can be found.

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You could see Dinosaurs of all kinds, and it was the end of the Mesozoic era so you could see a giant astroid plummet to earth. :)

How were the poor people buried in Egypt?

They were buried in the sand in a crouching position then sand and a pile of rocks would be used to cover them. they had no posesions put in with them as they did not own any thing valuable worth putting in.

Do dinosaurs eat rocks to make space in their tummy?

no they're extinct

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they decompose