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yes, you could still be pregnant. Have the doc do another blood test if the urine tests still show up positive.

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Q: Could one be pregnant if they just started depo-provera hasn't gotten their period in 2 months had 2 positive urine test results and a negative blood test doctor didn't perform ultrasound?
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No period after depo can I get pregnant?

Depoprovera will not make you pregnant for months.

Can you be three months pregnant and still get negative ultrasound result?

i am 6 months pregant,,i know i am and i had an ultrasound and it came out negative i was getting worried about it..

What does it mean when you have a - and a on a pregnancy test?

A positive answer on a home pregnancy test means that you are pregnant and should see a Dr. A negative answer means that you are not pregnant. If you get a negative response and feel that it is in error you should wait two days and test again or see your Dr.

If one test reads positive and the other one reads negative?

it's common to get a false negative, even if you are pregnant. but typically, if it reads as positive, you are pregnant

If you took 2 pregnancy test one was a light negative sign and 5 days later the other was a bold positive. Plus you went to the Dr and they said positive how many months are you?

You are probably about one month pregnant, but an ultrasound scan will be more accurate.

How do you know if your mum is pregnant?

When there is no menstruation,pregnancy test comes out positive,baby in the ultrasound and heartbeat of the baby.

If i am Pregnant 6 weeks bleeding ultra sound read no baby in womb why test saying positive?

If the ultrasound showed no baby and your still testing positive on your hpt's its cause you have so much hCG's in your body to give a negative. You have about 10,000 so it could take a while before you get a negative. Sorry for the loss of your baby.

If you get a negative does that mean you are not pregnant?

negative= not pregnant positive= pregnant be sure to read the instructions on the pregnancy test package

Who is pregnant in Doctor Who?

Amy Pond is and isn't pregnant. The Tardis scanner gave positive and negative results.

You have had one positive hpt the others negative but feel pregnant why?

Once you get a positive result on an at home test you're almost definitely pregnant the at home tests tend to give out false negatives so get to your doctor and have them do a blood test and or ultrasound to see what is really going on although it sounds to me as though your pregnant hope everything works out for you Good luck and God Bless!!! The positive one was proibably done with the early morning urine, concentrated with the hormone, then you checked through the day with weaker urine. Just do another test in the early morning and don't waste money on a blood test/ultrasound.

Why is ovulation test positive but seen baby on ultrasound of baby?

No because a pregnancy test measures HCG ,and you only make enough to make a test positive when your pregnant.

Is it true that you can do an ultrasound can show that your not pregnant even if you are pregnant?

Ultrasound can visualize fetus inside with no errors.