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The titanic could be brought up to the surface and we do have the technology, but it would brake into pieces if we did. But i dont think anyone would be paying that great amount of money for taking the Titanic back to surface.

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Q: Could people actually ever bring Titanic to the surface?
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Could the Titanic be lifted to the surface from the ocean bottom?


How could the people in the Titanic responded better?

The Titanic could of had more life boats

How many people could be on the TiTaNiC?

Titanic had a capacity of 3,327, including the crew.

How much did the Titanic actually carry?

It could hold 2,290 peopl

Who could travel on the Titanic?

Titanic was traveled on by many people of all three economic classes.

How many people could get on the Titanic fully loaded?

with about 50,000 people

How many people could have actually gotten on the life boats on the Titanic?

Answer The Titanic carried 20 lifeboats with a capacity of about 1,200 people. However, many of them were not full when launched e.g. the first lifeboat launched had only 28 passengers whilst its capacity was 65. The ship's capacity was 3,547 people.

How many people could they fit on the titanic?

The Titanic's maximum capacity was 2,435 passengers and 892 crew members

Where could third class people on the titanic go?

the people in third class on titanic would have gone into steerage, which was low down in the hull of the ship

How many people could the titanic life boats hold?

70 people could fit in one boat

How many people could possibly fit onto the Titanic?


Could haved the people in the Titanic have been rescued?

Probably, yes. An unknown ship (rumoured to be the Californian) was spotted in the distance as the Titanic was sinking. It could have saved many if not all lives if it had went to the sinking Titanic.