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No cos gold fish are cold water fish and star fish are sea water

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Q: Could star fish live with goldfish in the same tank?
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What other fish could live with goldfish?

Well, you gotta chose fish that live in the same conditions as the goldfish such as Koi. You could also do some researching and find out too.

What kind of fish are good that can live in the same fish tank?

The best thing to do is ask the shopkeeper in the fish shop and find out first but goldfish go together with no problems if you are lucky because some goldfish can't live together.

Can goldfish and black molly live in the same fish tank?

as far as i know yes,unless your fish is aggresive

Which fish is stronger an inside goldfish or a outside goldfish?

They all originate from the same roots, but since goldfish that live outside are more used to the cold and other changes, I would say that goldfish that live outside are stronger and more likely to survive.

Can keep goldfish and other fish in same tank?

Rule of thumb is to not mix tropical fish and goldfish.

Can zebra fish live with goldfish?

yes i have a guppie and 3 goldfish in the same tank :)

How does a goldfish grow as a size of a foot when in seawater and still the same size when in a bowl?

Goldfish release growth-inhibiting hormones into the water they live in: the more goldfish in a smaller space, the less likely they are to grow. For instance, if I have a common goldfish in a 5 gallon tank, it will grow to about the same size if I had 6 of the same fish in a 30 gallon tank. But leave that fish alone in a 30 gallon tank, and it will grow larger. This is why pond goldfish grow bigger. But goldfish won't grow at all in seawater; they aren't saltwater fish.

How long do Japanese goldfish live?

This is really no different than an American goldfish, or even a Canadian goldfish since in most cases, they are basically the same fish type.It is totally dependant on the care provided to the fish, but the average age is about 9 years old.

Does a guppy and a goldfish reproduce in the same manner?

No, a guppy is a livebearing fish, and a goldfish is egg laying.

Can guppies live in the same aquarium as a goldfish?

No. Guppies need a heater, whereas gold fish will overheat. Also, they will eat the guppies.

What are Peaceful tropical tank mates for goldfish. i know that goldfish are cold water fish but in aquarium shops they live in the same temperature as other tropical fish 29 C in summer?

Weather loaches (dojo) are a good choice, so are related fish like Kulhi loaches. plecostomus catfish, coreys and other bottom dwelling fish work well. We have had some honey gouramis with our goldfish for years and no problems. Most knowlegable pet store owners should be able to hel you find some peaceful fish that can live with goldfish. Avoid chichlids they will usually beat up on goldfish.

Can you put a goldfish in the same tank with a tropical fish?

No, goldfish are best with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, and apple/mystery snails.Although goldfish can survive in warmer water temperatures, they are a "cold water" fish and not a tropical fish.