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The U.S. and Russia would have been at a stalemate because Russia's army is bigger but poorly equiped and we had a huge air force compared to them. Also if we did fight, Germany would have helped us as well as many other countries such as Britain and France.

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The US and USSR were allies at the end of WW2, there was no reason to fight.

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Q: Could us army have beaten the red army in ww2?
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What was the red army's final act in WW2?

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In what direction did the red army begin liberating in?

Red army deafeted Germans from the East while the Us and the UK came from the west. Red army the soviet union army was the key of the ww2 to win the war.The alians that are mostly Soviet Union and little bit britannia. Red army The best if the Russians weren't there this world would be Germany.

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The Red Army: After the Finnish-Soviet-War seen as subpar, which seemed to be confirmed after initial success in 1941 but after the battle of Moscow the Red-Army gained first respect for its tenacity and after Stalingrad and Kursk also for its ability.

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They did, in ww2.

What is red one?

WW2 History The "Big Red One" referred to the US 1st Infantry Division which had a shoulder patch that included a Red "1". It is one of the US Army's oldest divisions.

Who are the reds in World War I?

Sorry, but you are mistaken. the reds were not in WW1, but they were massively important during the Bolchievik Revolution and in WW2. in the Bolchievik Revolution, they were the army fighting for communism, but in WW2, Reds were a general term for the Russian army.

How did the USSR amass such a huge army against Germany in World War 2 and how big was that army?

Well, as you may know Russia to this day as a MASSIVE population and in the time of WW2 when Germany was at Russia doorstep Moscow! and Leningrad The red army was ready to recruit anyone they had that mean any willing body person who can walk in a straight line! Many records cant keep track of the USSR soilders number from ww2 For the loses all i know was it was about 18 million Red Army soildiers and 6 million in civilian loses

What is the imperial army?

the Japanese army during ww2 led by prime minister Tojo

When did the Zippo become popular?

Around WW2 when the US Army started to use them, consumer production stopped for a while so soldiers could get them.

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What were Russian soldiers called in WW2?

In WW2 there were the Red army that were involed in the war and there were also the zeks ( Prisoners, people from the gulags...etc) that were also sent at the front to waste enemy ammunition and to blow up mine fields. Hope this is useful :)

What was the significance of the Invasion of Normandy?

It was the turning point of WW2, when civilians and soldiers alike could see the Germans were being beaten back at last.