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Probably not. The League of Nations had no power to enforce any resolution passed and the US public wasn't very interested in "Europe's problem".

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Q: Could the US have stopped Hitler if they had joined the League of Nations?
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When did Germany join the league of nations?

Stresemann negotiated German admission to the League in 1925 (with effect from 1926), and Hitler pulled Germany out in 1933 as a protest against the disarmament conference in progress at the time.

When did Russia join league of Nations?

Russia joined the league of nations in 1934

Who joined the league of nations?

The United States never joined the League of Nations. The loosing countries of World War 1 were not among the initial members but did eventually joined, as did the USSR in 1934. The last nation to join was Egypt, on 26 May 1937.

Is a league of nations correct grammar?

League of Nations is correct. It is a collection of nations that have joined together, in order to promote World Peace.

When did Germany join the league nation?

Germany joined the League of Nations in 1926...

Which country never joined the league of nations?

The United States never became a member of the League of Nations. The people thought that if they joined, they would be forced to join in another nations conflict.

Did the league of nations try to stop Hitler?

They tried a process called appeasement, but it didn't work.

Why didn't the UN join the league of nations?

Original Answer: Because they are decades away. Improved: The United Nations are not a country. They couldn't have "joined" the League of Nations. The League of Nations was the predecessor of the United Nations - the League of Nations failed, and so, many years later in 1942 (I believe it was that year) they founded the United Nations as an improved "League of Nations."

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The four organisations were the German Young People (Deutsches Jungvolk), the Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend), the League of Young Girls (Jungmadelbund) and the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Madel). Boys joined the German Young People from the age of 10 until they were 14 when they joined the Hitler Youth. The girls joined the League of Young Girls at the age of 10 and at the age of 14 joined the League of German Girls.

Did the US join the league of nations or the united nations?

UN. the League wasn't joined b/c Wilson wanted to stay out of Europe's affairs

Did the us join the league of nations after World War 1 or ww2?

WW1. After WW2, the UN was created and anyone who was part of the League of nations joined the UN.

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The Iroquios, the Haudenosaunee in their own language, are a league or confederation of tribes or nations, not a single tribe. The original members of the league were the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca nations, later joined by the Tuscarora.