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The articles of confederation could not regulate trade. There were so many defects in these articles which would make it impossible to facilitate trade between the states.

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6mo ago

Yes, the Articles of Confederation granted the national government the power to regulate trade among the states. However, the national government had limited authority and lacked the ability to enforce its trade regulations effectively. This ultimately led to economic difficulties and a need for a stronger central government, which resulted in the drafting of the United States Constitution.

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Q: Could the articles of confederation regulate trade?
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Did the Articles of Confederation regulate trade?


Which could the national government not perform under the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederation created a weak national government, and there were several functions it could not do, such as impose taxes. It also couldn't regulate trade.

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They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

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No, the Articles of Confederation did not have a national court system. Moreover, under the Articles of Confederation, the Congress had limited power to regulate trade.

What powers would congress have under the New Jersey Plan that it did not have under the Articles of Confederation?

They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

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They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

Why was the interstate commerce difficult to conduct under the articles of confederation?

The central government had very little power with the articles of confederation and couldn't regulate trade conduct.

The Articles of Confederation limited the powers of what body?

The Articles of Confederation limited the powers of the central government, known as the Confederation Congress. This central government had limited authority and could not levy taxes or regulate trade, among other limitations.

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Weakness of the articles of confederation two words?

The Articles of Confederation was the original U.S. Constitution which was ratified in 1781. Two of its weaknesses were its inability to levy taxes and regulate trade.

What was the major reason why the articles of confederation failed as the nations first government?

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