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The Birth Control pill could mask irregular bleeding that sometimes occurs in hyperthyroidism, but will not mask other symptoms.

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Q: Could the birth control pill mask a hyperthyroid condition?
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What is it called when your body reject injections?

There is no condition in which the body "rejects birth control." You may have experienced side effects from one or more methods of birth control, and these have medical terms. You may have experienced birth control failure, and could guess that the cause, which may have a scientific name. But there is no recognized medication condition in which the body "rejects birth control." If you like, write again with a more specific description of what you mean by "rejection," and I'll help you find a word.

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Birth control pills increase the risk for blood clots. If you already have blood clots, birth control pills could make the clots worse. There are other birth control methods which could be good alternatives, condoms, diaphragms, shots, and IUDs.

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There are many kinds of birth control. You could take the pill, you could use a condom, a diaphragm, abstain from sex, get an IUD. For more kinds go to:

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By Educating Women about Birth Control

Could stopping the birth control pill throw you into menopause?

Stopping the birth control pill could unmask the fact that your body was done ovulating, but couldn't cause menopause.

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well for starters do some research on birth control and find the one that is best for you and go from there.

Does Zofran affect the birth control pill?

There are no known drug interactions between Zofran and the birth control pill. Note, however, that if you have been vomiting and unable to keep anything down, the vomiting could affect how well the birth control pill works, even if the Zofran doesn't. If your condition has been that severe, consider using a back up method of birth control, like condoms or avoiding vaginal sex, for seven days after you've been able to keep the pill down.