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The greenhouse effect is happening on any planet with greenhouse gas.

Mars, as an example has greenhouse gases in it's atmosphere and has seen warming over the past hundred years similar to our warming trend.

Venus, with an atmosphere of 96.5% carbon dioxide, has a runaway greenhouse effect which has caused the oceans to boil dry.

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Q: Could the greenhouse effect occur on other planets?
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Does the greenhouse effect occur on the moon or the earth?

The greenhouse effect comes about when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere capture heat rising from the surface of the planet. As the moon has no atmosphere, it could not have a greenhouse effect. So the answer is: The earth.

Where in space does the greenhouse effect occur?

The greenhouse effect does not occur in space, it occurs within the Earth's atmosphere. Without the greenhouse effect, most living things would freeze to death.

In which atmosphere does most of the greenhouse effect occur?

Most of the greenhouse effect occurs in the troposphere.

Where on earth besides in a greenhouse does the greenhouse effect occur?

In the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect refers to the situation in the atmosphere where gases hold on to the heat rising from the earth.

Does the greenhouse effect only occur on earth?

No. A gross example is Venus, which has a runaway greenhouse effect. The surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead.

Where does the greenhouse effect occur?

Over the entire earth. This is why it is known as global warming.

When did the enhanced greenhouse effect occur?

When we began to seriously burn fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) we released billions of tones of EXTRA carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This changed the natural greenhouse effect to an enhanced, or accelerated greenhouse effect.

When does the greenhouse effect occur?

Carbon emissions are trapped beneath the o-zone layer.

What is the difference between greenhouse effect and greenhouse enhanced greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps the Earth warm. Without it, the earth would be unable to retain enough heat to sustain life.The enhanced greenhouse effect is caused by the all the extra greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane etc) that we put into the air from burning fossil fuels and agriculture (cattle belches). These all trap more heat and radiation from the sun than is normally required. The earth radiates infrared energy from the sunlight that reaches the surface which should escape off into space, but due to the enhanced greenhouse effect, this radiation is trapped. Therefore, the overall temperature of the globe rises.See this link below for a diagram:Global warming is the increase of the average temperature of the earths atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is caused by high concentrations of methane, co2 and water vapour in the earth's atmosphere . These gases occur naturally (natural greenhouse effect) however due to human activity (cars, burning fossil fuels, deforestation) more of these gases are released, and this enhances the greenhouse effect (so it is called the enhanced greenhouse effect.)

Is the greenhouse effect necessarily bad?

We need some greenhouse effect (good) but not too much (bad).The natural greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm. Otherwise, we would freeze, the warmth of the day would disappear in the night. The carbon and water cycles keep enough carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere to support this.The accelerated greenhouse effect (which is happening now from man's deforestation and burning of fossil fuel) is the bad effect, causing global warming.

Why do earthquakes occur on other planets?

Because the planets still have gravity. Thing of an earthquake like a house settling. As gravity pushes down on the house, the house ever so slightly moves itself. The effect is amplified with planets; they are "settling" because of their own gravity.

What is responsible for the greenhouse effect?

There are naturally occurring components of the atmosphere that are responsible for the greenhouse effect. The highest ranked greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide which accounts for 80% of the greenhouse effect.