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Sperm and eggs do not have specific blood types, so no.

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Q: Could there be any conception or pregnancy problems with the blood type female O and male AB?
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Could you be pregnant 11 days after conception?

Yes; pregnancy begins as soon as conception is successful.

Could you tell if you were pregnant 2 days after conception?

Probably not. Most pregnancy tests say they can detect pregnancy around 7-14 days after conception.

Could there be any problem in conception for the second time if mother is Rh negative father is Rh positive and the first pregnancy was terminated after forty five days of conception?

If you had a properly supervised termination you should not have any problems. Conception should not be a problem, it is later in pregnancy that your blood may react to the baby's blood if the baby is Rh +, but your doctor will do blood tests for this.

Could there be any conception problems with the blood type female B and male B?

nops not at the time of conception male is not transmitting is blood into female's genital part instead sperms are been delivered. so their is no chance of blood clotting which i think u were exactly asking...

Which is day female pregranant?

conception but it could be any calender day

Where could one find a conception calculator?

One can find a conception calculator on the "BabyMed" website. The BabyMed conception calculator and reverse pregnancy due date calculator helps you find the possible conception date retrospectively. Just enter your due date, and the pregnancy conception date calculator will calculate the exact possible dates when you got pregnant.

When pregnancy could occur?

If you are a sexually active female, pregnancy can occur. Birth control will help prevent pregnancy, but is not guaranteed.

Is female AB-ve compatible with B plus ve for pregnancy?

The rh- female could become sensitized by an rh+ baby, so that a second rh+ child could have problems. However, there are injections that an rh- pregnant woman can receive to reduce or eliminate the problem.

What if dad did cocaine during conception mom did a little?

Well, this could cause some problems for the baby

Is implantation the first week of pregnancy?

Implantation occurs when the egg is fertilized by the sperm and it attaches itself to the uterine lining. So I could you could say that implantation happens almost inanimately after conception!

Can pregnancy test be positive 4 days after Conceiving?

10 to 14 days. However, it isn't conception that matters. It's implantation.

Can a 31 year male get a 46 year old female pregnant more sucessfully with out problems?

It is possible for a 31-year-old male to impregnate a 46-year-old female, but there may be higher risks and challenges due to the woman's age. It is important for both partners to consult with a healthcare provider to discuss any potential risks and ways to optimize fertility and a healthy pregnancy.