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Unlikely but still possible

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Q: Could you be 3 to 4 months pregnant and have a PT show up negative and still have shorter or lighter periods?
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How many periods do you have on Depo-Provera?

that's an answer that varies for everyone, usually your periods are lighter and shorter and can sometimes alltogether stop

Can you still be pregnant if you had a period but your pregnancy test was positive?

Yes, some women actually do have their periods during the first few months of pregnancy. Usually, however, these cycles are lighter and shorter than normal.

Why do women have one day periods?

A "one-day period" may actually be spotting or light bleeding, which is common for some women. It could be caused by hormonal fluctuations, stress, or a variety of other factors. If it continues or is accompanied by other symptoms, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying issues.

Does biotin effect your menstrual cycle?

Although there is no estrogen in biotin there have been numerous reports on lighter, shorter periods

If you've gotten 4 negative pregnancy tests and get periods that are a little bit lighter and shorter than usual could you be pregnant?

If you have had your period (though they were light) and all tests turned out negative then you have a pretty good chance of not being pregnant. Most women cycles differ, and a lighter or none existent period may be caused by stress or other things going on with your body these last couple months. To be sure there is nothing else wrong you should make an appointment with your OBGYN, they will perform an exam to determine what the real factor of your light periods are. Good luck!

Can you be pregnant if your last 3 periods are 2 days shorter and its much much lighter and your partner has been ejaculating inside you for about 3 months while ovulating?

while you cant have a true period while pregnant you can have early pregnancy bleeding which can last up to half the pregnancy, early pregnancy bleeding is usually shorter and lighter, and while you are ovulating is the highest chance to become pregnanct, so it sounds like you have a high chance of being pregnant, take a home test and go from there, hope for the best

Will birth control often stop your period?

It can. It depends on what type you are taking. Some BC is designed to give shorter, lighter periods.

How do you make your periods shorter?

Using hormonal birth control - like The Pill, NuvaRing (Ortho Evra), or Mirena (IUD) should make your period shorter and lighter.

What are the beneficial effects of birth control?

Well, I have 2 periods per month so, my mom put me on birth control and at first it didn't work but then, it started to work. My periods became lighter and shorter.

When your menstruation doesnt come the normal days and its come 3 days instead of 5 days does it mean that you are pregnant?

No it does not mean that you are pregnant. sometimes your periods are just shorter.

Can stopping the birth control pill make your period longer?

When you take the birth control pill, you can expect shorter and lighter periods. When you stop the pill, your periods go back to their natural length and heaviness of flow.

What could it mean if your period is alot lighter and shorter than normal?

It might me just a difference periods can do alot of things but it may be because your underweight or not eating probably.