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Yes u might be. Good luck.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if a few days after conception you are having Frequent urination and discomfort in the abdomen?
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Can frequent urination mean your pregnant?

It depends on how frequent,like if every five to ten minutes you have to urinate then it is probably a bladder infection or kiddney/gaul stones.

What symptom will you have when you become pregnant?

Tired, moody, cravings for foods, frequent urination, headaches, sorebreast & the list goes on & on.

Frequent Urination is that a sign of pregnancy?

No, I pee all the time after eating popcorn. I'm not pregnant. If you want to know if your pregnant go get a pregnancy test.

Nausea heartburn back pain excessive saliva moddiness darkening areolas frequent urination sore breasts could I be pregnant?

Absolutely!!!!!! I would bet you are!!! I too am experiencing the frequent urination and the excessive saliva, please let us know how it goes.

Have gas nausea frequent urination and heartburn but I am on Mirena Possible I am pregnant?

Probably not. These symptoms are all side effects of the mirena iud.

If you have frequent urination a week before your period could you be pregnant?

its not very likely to experience frequent uriation that early as the egg would only be fertilized, id say its more like a kidney infectsion

7 weeks pregnant with no frequent urination?

You are not even far enough along to have frequent urination the bigger you get the more the baby ext starts to smoosh the bladder so there for you have to pee more you dont start to feel the need to pee more until you are about 4 months give or take a month

Could you be pregnant if two weeks after sex you are peeing a lot and your stomach hurts?

It is possible. Frequent urination is a symptom of pregnancy. If your period is late, take a HPT.

When you are pregnant is it a sign of labor if you are urinating even more than usual when you are 9 months pregnant?

No. Frequent urination in the 9th month is because the baby at this point is pressing more on your bladder because he/she has nowhere else to go.

What is the difference between conception and fertillisation?

Fertilization happens sooner than conception. Conception means 'to get pregnant", so females get pregnant after fertilization.

Is it possible to have tender breasts and frequent urination before a missed period if you are pregnant?

Yes maybe a few days before your missed period as the egg may have already implanted into the womb.

How do you know your pregnant without takinng the test?

Your period is over a week late and no spotting occurs. You have swollen or breast tenderness. Fatigue/Tiredness. Nausea/Morning sickness (usually occurs after a month of conception). Darkening of areolas (the area around your nipple), Backaches. Headaches. Frequent urination. Cravings. (Can happen any time!!) Noticeable hormonal mood swings.