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yes you could still be pregnant see your doctor to confirm.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if two home tests were negative but you have morning sickness?
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What if you have morning sickness are you pregnant?

You could be. Take a test

Are you pregnant if you just finished your period but have been having morning sickness?

Yes, you could be pregnant; especially if you didn't use protection.

I never had morning sickness. I am 34 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I just vomited out of no where. What could this be from?

It could be caused by the flu.

If you are getting night sickness instead of morning sickness could you be pregnant?

Nearly all women experience morning sickness to one extent or another, however, it is possible to be pregnant and not have morning sickness. It is recommended that women who think they are pregnant take a pregnancy test to find out for sure.

You are having morning sickness could you be pregnant last month had a faint positive pregnancy result?

Even a faint positive is a positive. And false positives are very rare. You are pregnant.

My girlfriend had signs of morning sickness the morning after. Could she be pregnant?

Nausea the morning after sex is not morning sickness, it could be many things from a virus or infection to nerves but would not be caused by a pregnancy. It takes about 8 days after sex for pregnancy to be established by an embryo implanting in the uterus.If the nausea continues or her period is late take a pregnancy test or see a health care provider.

If you dont throwup could you still be pregnant?

Throwing up or morning sickness is a sign of pregnancy, but you don't have to be suffering from it to be pregnant. you can also have a regular period while you are pregnant as well. Morning sickness, tender breasts, mood swings and all those other symptoms are just that, symptoms. You don't have to have them all, just some. Heck perhaps none at all sometimes.

Your dog had recently puked three times within the past week and is always in the morning whats wrong with him?

If your dog is female (a bitch) this sounds a bit like morning sickness. She could be pregnant.

How do you use the word sickness in a sentence?

Morning sickness is a symptom of pregnancy.He has the sickness.There is a sickness going bout.It is a sickness in her head.

Could you be pregnant if taking estelle 35 ed tablets which arent really to prevent pregnancy but to control acne and still have your period but have every pregnancy symptom except morning sickness?

If you haven't stopped your period, and you aren't getting morning sickness, Then WHAT are these pregnancy symptoms you say you are experiencing?

Is there any anti sickness medication you can take if you are getting morning sickness?

It's not a good idea to take medications while pregnant, but you could ask your doctor. Meanwhile, soda crackers and Seven-Up work pretty well.

Could you be pregnant if you do not feel nausea?

yes sickness does not occur to all pregnant wemon