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Hello. Yes you could be pregnant. If the bleeding is brown then this is old blood and a sign of pregnancy or a approaching period. I get this myself when my period is late. If the bleeding was a normal period then its unlikely your pregnant but definitely do a test to be certain. Take care.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you are 12 days late and started bleeding and having brown discharge?
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ask a doctor ;]

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If your not bleeding then your pregnant if you start bleeding in your pregnancy it's a miscarriage

If you normally have discharge and am not having it now could that be a sign?

Well, a sign of what? pregnancy? All women have discharge. And I am pregnant right now. And when you are pregnant your discharge increases.

If not bleeding can she still get pregnant?

Usually no period indicates pregnancy. The time at which a woman is most likely to get pregnant is several days after she stops Menstruating (bleeding) in a woman with a 28 day menstrual cycle she is most likely to get pregnant on days 11 to 15 inclusive after the day she started bleeding. that means that on average she has stopped bleeding several days before she reaches her fertile stage. When a woman is bleeding she can not get pregnant assuming that the bleeding is a normal menstruation. If a woman becomes pregnant normally she will stop having any sort of menstruation.