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How do you mean "irregular"? Some women experience what's called implantation bleeding around or just before the time that they usually get their period. This is often small amounts of light yellowish brown, brown, or very light pink bleeding for 1 day all the way up to 7 days. Beyond that, it is common for pregnant women to have very light periods (which is not actually their period - their bodies are just not making enough of the hCG hormone yet to alert their uterus not to shed a tiny bit of lining) monthly up to their 6th month of pregnancy. The reason your period was so light pink is just due to the volume of blood. Less blood looks lighter, more looks darker.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you had a very irregular period last month and then a very light pink period this month?
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What does it mean when you bleed before your period?

It could mean you are pregnant, have irregular periods, hormonal imbalance or you have had a light and early period this month for no reason.

Can you spot and then come on your period and if so does that mean you are pregnant or can be pregnant?

Yes, & not necessarily. It could be something as simple as an irregular period or a light flow. If you're concerned about being pregnant, buy a home pregnancy test.

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could you be pregnant if you period was short and light

What does really light spotting but dark and thick blood mean if you have irregular periods?

Hello - This bleeding could be due to pregnancy or due to irregular period bleeding. See your doctor hun for a blood test. dark thick blood just means you have a bunch of hemoglobin in it.. Hemoglobin is the stuff that slowes the flow in your blood when you get a cut. A light period for irregular period women seems pretty normal.. if you have light cycles you could have a estrogen deficiancy.. I would see your doctor if you are trying to get pregnant and have not yet.

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What does it mean when you lightly spot pink the week after your period is over?

Nothing serious at all. Most of the time that just means that your body is finishing up with the menstruation cycle. Especially if your younger, and havent had your period for very long, you could be irregular a lot, but it evens out later. Nothing to be worried about.

If home pregnancy test negative can you still be pregnant and get your period?

No you can't be pregnant and still have your period. You can have a light bleed but not a period. As for the whole negative test thing, it could be a false negative.

If you had a light period headaches nasea bloating and constipation are you pregnant?

you could be but it could also mean hormonal imbalance

3 days late on your period but then had a light period with no cramps ow brown discharge could you be pregnant?

Yes, you could be. Take a pregnancy test

Can you be pregnant if your period come a week early?

You could be if the period is light or shorter than usual. However, if it is like your normal period but just early then it's unlikely you're pregnant. If it's light, you should take a pregnancy test

Could it possible to have irregular period light pinkish period before it was a heavy period.This light period has experienced for 4-5 months breast size increased. body weight increased by 3Kg?

Yes its normal. "Spotting".

How do you tell from your period if your pregnant?

you miss youre period if your pregnant.