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Q: Could you be pregnant if you sex for 2weeks after your period and you have sore breast and stomach cramps?
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Why do i have Heavy sore breast tingling nipples bad cramps on left and right side of lower stomach what could these symptoms be?

You might be pregnant - take a test

Can you get stomach cramps before first period and not being pregnant?


What is the very common symptoms of a pregnant women?

Stomach cramps and a lot of pain

What does stomach cramps and frequent urinating mean?

Your probly pregnant see a doctor

Does it mean you are pregnant if you are having stomach cramps?

It can be or you are ovulating or getting your period. Just cramping is not enough to determine if you are pregnant or not.

If i feel dizzy one day have stomach cramps the next could you be pregnant?


Is stomach pain not cramps a sign of pregnancy?

Cramps are a sign of pregnancy, i was sure i was coming on my period i had all the cramps etc.. im now 5 months pregnant

Headache stomach cramps period not due for 2weeks and lower back pain?

could be that youre ovulating if you have a fever, or it hurts to pee, go see a doctor

You are having cramps and your breast is tender and you took the EC pill are you pregnant?

it could just be ur period

Your breast is tender and you get sharpe cramps and feel sick out the day and see alot of mucus iam you pregnant?

probably. You have a lot of discharge when you are pregnant.

You are 14 weeks pregnant and ive been having stomach cramps for 5 days now is there anythin wrong?

cramps are normal during pregnancy

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