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I have never heard of anyone being able to see their cervix. Take a pregnancy test if you are unsure. If you can see your cervix you have a prolapse not a pregnancy and you need to see a doctor NOW.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if your cervix is tender and is so low that you can see it?
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You missed your period a week ago now im having nausea out of no where and your cervix is low are you pregnant?

You could be. Take a test

What does it mean to have a soft cervix at 21 weeks?

Your cervix can change daily when pregnant or not. It can even change height and position if you are constipated or just relieved yourself. If concerned while pregnant speak with your doc, other than that you can learn your cervical pattern but charting and checking daily at the same time and same position. A cervical check can not tell if your pregnant by touch alone.AnswerHi, I am not an expert, but i have been pregnant four times and given birth to five healthy baby boys!! So I would say I have some experience. A soft high cervix usually means that you are going to, are, or just have ovulated. After ovulation your cervix goes back to harder and lower.(easily felt) In early pregnancy, your cervix should be low and harder just as it was before ovulation.AnswerWrong. I am pregnant NOW, and my cervix is low and SOFT.) Answeryou can be further in pregnancy with my 2 my cervix was high hard and closed also felt like it was not attached to the wallAnswerI am 5 weeks, 3 days pg and my cervix is high, soft and closed, but it can be different for everyone. When I was 4 weeks and first found out, I noticed it was low (but not as low as during AF), medium and closed.

Cervix soft and low at 5 weeks pregnant is this a miscarraige?

Not necessarily. If you are worried go to the doctor. Your cervix gets soft to prepare for the baby. If you are carrying unusually low go to the doctor and have a physical. That's were should be instead of this website. Only your docotor can really tell you what's going on.

Where is your cervix located right before your period?

Your cervix should be low and firm. During ovulation with cervical musus the cervix is high and open and wet. After ovulation it is firm, low, and closed. If you are pregnant it will be high, soft, and closed.

You are 7 weeks pregnant with an IUD in your cervix what is your risk of losing your pregnancy?

I don't have hard statistics, but if the IUD is that low, I would think your odds of continuing are pretty good.

Where should the cervix be in early?

During ovulation the cervix is soft, high,open and wet. Around the time of menstruation the cervix is low and hard. I've heard OB/GYNs making this analogy when referring to a pregnant vs. non-pregnant cervix: A non-pregnant cervix feels like a hard, unripe piece of fruit, while a pregnant cervix is more like an almost over-ripe plum. It becomes very tender and engorged with blood, especially early on in pregnancy.In the early stages of pregnancy you may notice that your cervix will rise a bit and become softer, but the timing of this happening will vary from woman to woman. You may see the change in your cervix shortly before your period is due or you may not feel this for several weeks.As the pregnancy progresses you will probably have an increase in vaginal discharge, but the cervical mucous is fairly minimal during pregnancy. Some women may notice a change in their cervix in very early pregnancy but cervical position is not a good sign of pregnancy. That is because the cervix changes not only from woman to woman but from day to day and could even be different in the same woman at different times of the day. I would recommend to check your cervix right after your period ends and check it every day, at the same time, in the same position. That way you know how your cervix is suppose to feel at what point during your cycle and if it doesn't feel that it's suppose to you could use that to help you determine pregnancy. For a woman that doesn't check her cervix regularly I would say it's next to impossible to determine if she's pregnant or not by checking it. Your cervix should be high just like during ovulation, except closed. It will also still feel soft, more like lips. Unless you've been checking your cervix consistently there is almost no way to tell where you are in your cycle through this method. Remember to wash your hands before you check, but other than that, you should have no problems with infection. Just don't get your hopes up that you'll be able to detect pregnancy through your cervical position, especially if you haven't been monitoring it's position already.

What does a high soft closed cervix mean I'm due for my period in 2 days but very nauseated some cramping. Is this normal for menstruation?

You could be pregnant , usually after Ovulation your cervix is low hard ,and closed, but with pregnancy it's high soft ,and closed, and your having some pregnancy symptoms too, after you miss your period I would take a pregnancy test. hope this helped

Can a doctor use his fingers to test for pregnancy after 3 days?

No there is no way to test using your fingers you can how ever tell if you are ovulating or not by using your fingers by checking the cervical mucus and the position of the cervix if it is low and firm like the tip of your nose then you are not ovulating if it is high and closed then you could be ovulating if it is high and closed it can mean you are pregnant but it is still better to take a test to be sure it could be closed because the cervix is getting ready to lower and start your period.

Is surgery needed to repair a low cervix?

Surgery is needed to repair a low cervix if it extends down far enough. This reduces the risk of additional health problems.

Had the IUD mirena for about 4 months your breast or really tender can you be pregnant?

IUD's are around 99+% effective against unintended pregnancies, thus the risk of pregnancy is increadibly low. Breast tenderness does not equate to pregnancy, it could be a reaction to hormones in the IUD or breast growth.

What does it mean if you chew ice?

If pregnant and chewing ice, it could mean you have low iron.

Can anyone explain how carrying your baby low in your cervix increases your chance of a miscarriage.?

You need to ask the person who told you the baby was low in your cervix, they are the best person to tell you. If your cervix is 'weak' it may open and you may miscarry. I think what you may have though is placenta previa, where the egg has implanted close to the cervix. As your uterus grows it stretches near the cervix and the placenta does not stretch so it pulls away from the wall of the uterus.