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No. Identification is too significant to allow one to replace another for a draft.

The above answer is certainly correct today in the United States, and has been since the early 20th century. Being drafted is a legal personal obligation, and cannot be discharged by any other person (in the same way that you can't pay someone to serve a prison sentence for you).

However, before that, it was entirely possible to pay someone to serve your obligation. This was particularly prevalent in the North during the American Civil War.

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Q: Could you buy your way out of the draft by paying someone to take your place?
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Could you pay to have another man take your place in the Civil War?

Yes you could. There was a draft, but you could pay to have someone take your place .

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He could get up $300, a substantial sum at the time ( my guess this was donated to the Department of the Army) or (Buy) a qualified substitute. It is not known what the service obligation of the substitute was- it could be say, 24 months, or possibly for the duration of the war.

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A draft was begun and at first there were many volunteers. A wealthy man could also buy his way out of the draft by paying another man to take his place. The recruiters would also go to the docks when the ships arrived with young Irish immigrants men and sign them up. About 60% of the armies were Irish immigrants.

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In the US... yes you can. You could either write to your congressional representatives with your idea and hope for them to draft a law, or you could draft it yourself and send it to them, or you could draft it yourself and collect signatures on a petition to place it on the ballot (you need a lot of signatures ... depending on where you live, probably tens or even hundreds of thousands).

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They could hire someone to take their place. It was not uncommon during the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and the Civil War for individuals to hire replacements to serve part or all of their obligation. Most states and counties were given quotas, and if they weren't filled with volunteers, there would be a draft. In some cases people would contribute money to bounty founds to encourage people to volunteer so that a draft could be avoided.

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florida state is not even close to the right answer. Their last undrafted year was 1983. The longest streak I could find at is USC. They've had someone drafted every year since 1947. Second place was Notre Dame, since 1956.

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