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its depend upon the procedure for doing lung biopsy(open lung biospy,needle biopsy,bronchoscopic biopsy,video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and mediastinoscopy) the risk of death from needle biopsy is rare. The risk of death from open biopsy is one in 3,000 cases. In mediastinoscopy, death occurs in fewer than one in 3,000 cases.

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Q: Could you die having a Lung Biopsy?
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Can a lung biopsy cause a person with lung cancer to die?

yes,because my grandmother died from lung cancer.I was sad

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You could conceivably die after any type of surgery. There are always risks, but generally, the benefits outweigh them.

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If your child has a collapsed lung, please take them to the hospital or to a doctor. Don't wait to see if they will die. The doctor might be able to re-inflate it. It's a serious condition. Your child might not die soon, but if they have a respiratory problem in the future they could die.

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wth what are you on about? moron? you will die if you could die idiot..

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They could get lung cancer by second hand smoke or even worse die.They could get lung cancer by second hand smoke or even worse die.

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no because if you have too much you could die :(

What disease could they get if we don't maintain environment?

People could get lung diseases and cancer. Lung diseases would come from breathing smog. Skin cancer could come from a lack of a healthy ozone layer, if we don't die of overheating first.

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If lung tissue wasn't working properly, depending on the severity of the case, you could either have a really hard time breathing, or you might die.

When did Sing Lung die?

Sing Lung died in 1893.


Accidental insurance does not pay if you die of lung cancer.

How. Did. Larry. Die?

complications from having part of a lung removed and a tumour being found under his sternum, eventual cause of death pheumonia

Can a person die from lung cancer?

Yes, it is possible for a person to die from lung cancer, though not everyone who has it dies of it.