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unless for medicinal purposes and you have prove of that it is 100% illegal

dumb freakin question

^^ This guys answer sucks. It is decriminalized in some states to carry up to an ounce of weed with you. This means that if a state trooper catches you with over and ounce it is a felony, but under and ounce it is about a $100 ticket.

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In Canada, it is not illegal to be under the influence of marijuana. It is illegal to possess the product, or smoke it in public ( Respectively) .

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Q: Could you get arrested for having weed in your system?
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Well they where condoms on there head and tampons as masks it's quite wierd and they get arrested for NOT having weed with them

What types of clothes do Asian people where?

Well they where condoms on there head and tampons as masks it's quite wierd and they get arrested for NOT having weed with them

Can a minor be arrested for having mojo or serenity which are know as legal weed in Louisiana?

If something is legal, you cannot be arrested for it, but, by law, your parents must be informed of any crime you commit if you are under 18.

Can you get arrested for a dime bag of weed?

Yes, you can be arrested for possession of any amount.

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Can you cleanse your system for jwh-018 as you do for weed?

yeah if you don't smoke it anymore you wont have a problem with having it in your system.

Do you have to have weed on your person to be arrested Texas?

No. You can be arrested in Texas for doing anything that is against the law.

What are some drugs that get you arrested?

I know that marjuanna and weed will

How much weed do you have to have on you to get arrested in pa?

a stem and a seed.

Could it take more then one month to get marijuana out of your system?

it takes 30 days to get weed out of your system

What home remedies helps get weed out of your system in 3 days?

None, THC stays in your system longer than any other drug you could use

If you swallow weed would it show up in your system?

there is a good chance that it could.