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Yes, right kidney or left or both or in the bladder or in the ureters. Sorry for your pain, see a Urologist soon to make sure it is a stone in the kidney. stonemkr has a new email

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Q: Could you have a kidney stone from your right kidney?
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What makes our right kidney slightly?

the kidney stone

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What could cause burning in lower right abdomen?

kidney stone, pulled adhesions, infection

What could be wrong if you had a chronic sharp pain in your right mid back near ribs?

Could be a kidney stone. See a doctor immediately.

Can kidney stones make the top of your leg hurt?

No, kidney stone in left kidney will not hurt your left leg.It has no concern with your leg.

Is it possible to rupture a kidney stone?

A kidney stone can cause damage to the kidney.

How could a large kidney stone block urine flow?

It is never normal for a kidney stone to block your urine, however it does happen. When a stone blocks the flow of urine, treatment needs to occur soon so kidney or ureter damage doesn't occur.

What causes pain on right side waist between the side and back. It's where u put your hand on waist but toward back?

Very likely that right side pain is from overexercising or from pulling a muscle. It could be a kidney stone, I suppose. Kidney stone pain is often accompanied by pain in the groin area, and often occurs in the morning before you get up. Drink 2 glasses of water in the morning and another 70 to 80 ounces of water during the day . . . if it is a kidney stone, this may wash it out of the kidney and ureter without a lot of pain. If it isn't a kidney stone, the water is an extremely healthful thing to do for everyone!

If you have a kidney stone in one kidney will you get one in the other kidney?

A patient who has had a single kidney stone has about a 50% chance of developing another stone. Whether you will develop a second kidney stone in the opposite kidney, depends in part on the reason for the formation of the stones.

Why does a kidney get bigger?

this could be caused by urine backing up to a kidney because of blockage .if there is no hydronephroses then the right kidney could be compensating for a smaller left kidney

What is calcific density in the distal 3rd of the ureter with secondary dilatation of the right pelvocalyces and the proximal right creter?

Sounds like a kidney stone that is causing urine to back up into the right kidney.

Why does it hurt on your right side under your floating ribsin your back?

kidney stone passing