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The symptoms of concussion are dizziness and nausea (feeling like you might throw up) and a sore head. However it is possible to have delayed concussion which means that the injury has happened but you don't get the symptoms until later. This can be a problem if you have gone home alone thinking that you are OK and the symptoms come on when there is no-one around to get you to hospital.

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Q: Could you have concussion and not know it?
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Should you go to school tomorrow if you suffered a concussion?

if u know for sure its a concussion stay home=== === === ===

How long after banging your head will you get signs of concussion?

After the first bang you could get a concussion. I highly recommend against banging your head.

Can you have a smoothie if you have a concussion?

yes but drink it slow. i Know from experience

Concussion in a sentence?

I hit my head on a rock and got a concussion. I could barely remember what i'd done yesterday. TUNECHI LIL WAYNE NO WORRIES

What happens when you get a concussion?

when you get a concussion. you black out and don't remember anything. when you wake up you will be asking questions and everything and wont know where your at. then you will start remembering stuff as soon as your up.

What is a double concussion?

A double concussion is a concussion that immediately follows the first concussion, or occurs before the injured party is asymptomatic.

Could you have a brain injury that showed up three weeks after falling very hard on the right side of your face?

Typically called a concussion. Sometimes the effects of a concussion are delayed, Never mess around when dealing with a concussion. Seek Medical Attention.

How are monkey bars dangerous?

You could fall and hurt yourself or you could hit your head on the monkey bars and get a concussion

Will you always know if you have a concussion after hitting your head?

You wouldn't necessarily "know" without being examined, but you can easily see if you have the classic symptoms by Googling for "concussion symptoms" and making an appointment with a doctor.Phil First of all, I have no medical training. That being said, from what I understand, NO, you won't always know if you have a concussion. If you think you might have a concussion, you should GO TO A DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY! Depending on what happened to you, you might, for instance, have bleeding inside your skull that could be really dangerous and could even kill you. And you might not know it at all. A doctor may perform simple tests to check that your eyes are working normally, that you can move all your muscles and feel things normally, and that you're thinking normally. You may also get more sophisticated tests to look at your brain inside your skull to check for bleeding or swelling. If you think there's a possibility that you have a concussion, I believe you should go to a doctor. You might feel signs of bad things that could be happening - or you might not. You should especially see a doctor if you have a headache. Get things checked out before it's too late.

Can a football helmet stop a person from getting a concussion?

Yes. The helmet HELPS to protect you; it doesn't 100% protect you.

Can a concussion stop hurting for a few days and then come back?

Absolutely. Concussion affects the brain in different ways. If you get hit on the head, it's always a good idea to get yourself checked out by a doctor. Undiagnosed concussion could affect you days r even weeks after the incident.

Shall you go to the doctor if you are suffering from symptoms of concussion and sprained both wrists?

yeah because if you leave a concussion untreated afterwards in life you could die if you just tap on your head softly