

Could you like someone for more than 4 months?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Could you like someone for more than 4 months?
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You might get a more relevant answer if the question were more specific. The question could be asked in a lot of different circumstances. For example: 1. The "someone" could be an older person who puts you down or doesn't value what you think. 2. The "someone" could be any pers of either gender that is unfriendly to you and you don't know why. 3. The "someone" could be a boy (if you are a girl) who doesn't notice you and you like him romantically. Any answer would depend on more than you have spelled out in the question.

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"I really like u, as a friend and all, but I don't feel that we could be more than that.... im sorry," "I really like u, as a friend and all, but I don't feel that we could be more than that.... im sorry,"

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I would like to know this awnser too! but from my expiriences dont try to be like someone else, and treat him/her like you wnat to be treated:)

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I'm sure he could, but he's probably looking for more in someone than talent. He wants someone who has a great a personality. Everything isn't looks and talent. He's probably looking for someone who has more to offer.

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filed 2.5 months ago and still don't have it. their website says it could take more than 4 months. Looks like they are going to take every second of that!

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Well you could talk to them and ask them what they like and if you like most of the same things you could ask them to hang out and if they say yes let it from there LOL it just might work out if not i am soo sorry :'(

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It could be nothing and he just wanted a change or it could mean that he likes someone and wants to impress them. Don't assume its you but its a possibility :) if it is you there will probably be other signs for example he may start to be more shy around you or may talk to you more than in the past if you like him talk back and see what happens :) x

Which sentence is ambiguous I like him more than I like you or I like him more than you?

The sentence "I like him more than you" is ambiguous. It could mean "I like him more than I like you" or it could mean "I like him more than you like him."

How do you tell someone you like them with out looking like a fool?

Just go up and release your feelins. Start slow and easy and becomefriends. After two months or more show your feelings for him and there is a 78% he will accept your feelings. Just go up and release your feelins. Start slow and easy and becomefriends. After two months or more show your feelings for him and there is a 78% he will accept your feelings.

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it could mean that you want more with this friend