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well i have heard after 5 years your tubes can come a loose. if they do that would be a wonderful joy.

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Q: Could you still get pregrenant if you got your tibes tied?
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Can get pregnant with tubes tied?

yes you can be pregnant with tubes tied but after a surgery called tubal reversal

If tubs r tied can you still get pregnant?

No. That's the whole point of getting your tubes tied

Is it possible to get inseminated if tubes are cut tied and burnt?

You could still get pregnant - if you used IVF - using a donor egg with your partner's sperm.

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It could mean that he got scared he was being tied down to you by saying those words, so to feel he still had freedom, he went and had intercourse with another. Or, it could mean, he was simply lying and felt he could keep you tied down for him while he had what he think is his "fun".

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4 rapid games, if still tied then 4 blitz games, if still tied then one Armageddon game.

Do you still have discomfort from periods when you have your tubes tied?


I was pregnant an i had a sis on my left tube and they had to take my tube could i still get pregnant an how?

You can still become pregnant, although it will be more difficult. You still have the right ovary and tube intact. And depending on how much of your tube they had to take out if it wasn't much they could still grow back. That happens sometimes with women that have had their tubes tied.

Could i be pregnant when my overies hurt when it's about 3 weeks before my period and i had my tubes tied for 13 years now?

No. Sounds to me like you are feeling the ovulation. Many women get an ache during ovulation. Even though your tubes are tied you still ovulate.

Your tubs was burn clip and tied is still posable?

can i still get pregnant with my tubs burn and clipped

Why do you still ovulate after getting your tubes tied?

I mit be pregnant cause my tubes tied its been 4 years yes u can

Is it normal to be spotting after a regular period when I have had my tubes tied?

You will still menstruate when you have your tubes tied because your menstrual cycle is still working as it would normally and your uterus is still present. You may experience some irregular bleeding if you're close to menopause or for a few days after your tubes are tied as a result of surgery. If irregular bleeding continues then you need to go talk to your doctor to find out why this is happening.

Can you still get pregnant after tubes being tied had period 2 times this month?

Though very, very unlikely, you could in fact get pregnant even if your tubes are tied. The 2 periods in one month problem needs to be addressed by your physician if it continues next month.