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Fungi, mushrooms, and mold( not sure of the spelling:)

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Q: Could you tell me 3 examples of decomposers in a forest ecosystem?
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What role do decomposers play in the ecosystem?

Decomposers are an essential component of any ecosystem. Their main role is to recycle nutrients in dead organisms and their wastes. Most decomposers are bacteria and fungi. Without the decomposers, there could be no life, since plants would then run out of nutrients.

Is kelp forest a marine ecosystem?

Well, you could say so!

What do you think if one of the species in the forest ecosystem disappears?

It depends on the species. If fish were to disappear then it could have a large adverse effect on the ecosystem. However, in many cases it could negatively effect the ecosystem.

What are three pond populations that could not survive in a pond ecosystem?

Three types of forest populations that could not survive in a pond ecosystem are monkeys, ants, and birds.

What 3 pond populations that could not survive in a forest ecosystem?

Well, Deers and Rabbits cant live in a pond ecosystem because they are forest animals and also bats. So any forest animal you can think of mostly cant live in a pond ecosystem

What is the mountain ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a community of living things with nonliving components interacting as s system. A forest ecosystem is formed by plants and animals interacting with chemical and physical features, made up of a wide variety of producers, consumers and decomposers that depend on each other for survival.

Ocean ecosystem-what are some decomposers that live here?

some decomposer that you could see in the pacific ocean are just the same with the decomposers in the other bodies of water, so it would also be bacterium and marine worms.

How can a building a new road change an ecosystem?

it can change the ecosystem because you could tear down a forest to build a new road ,in which where the animals lived.

Could a robin from a forest ecosystem live in a desert ecosystem?

no a robin cold not live in a desert ecosysem because you cant change up ecocystems

Could a balanced ecosystem contain producers and consumers but decomposers?

The answer is NO!!!!! Decomposing is the last stage of the "energy cycle". Without decomposition, there would be no end! the balance would be off by about 64%.

What will happen if omnivores are removed from the forest ecosystem?

The plants would grow too much, and it would become an overgrown forest, which could give bad animals more homes.

Name three forest populations that could not survive in a pond ecosystem?

Deers, rabits, and trees.